About Andrew

I (Andrew) am a software engineer by education and profession, but I also do a few other things in my spare time. That includes some combination of running, lifting, computer gaming, and cooking.

About this Site

This page was hand-written by me, Andrew Lalis, to be my personal website on the world-wide-web. It's got all the usual stuff that a personal site should have, like important links and contact details, plus a little series of articles I've written about my experiences with programming, lifting, gaming, or anything else of interest.

As you can see, I'm a fan of the "plain HTML is responsive" school of thought. This website is intentionally very simple in its structure, styling, and interactivity. This is because I believe that the vast majority of the internet's most popular websites sacrifice usability and accessibility to make a flashier product. By using a simpler design, we can help to make the internet more accessible to all, regardless of their physical ability or device's processing power.

This website doesn't use any third-party scripts or cookies to track you, and barely uses any javascript at all! It uses a script to allow you to change the site's color theme, but this is entirely optional.