
1002 B


This library provides implementations of various versions of HTTP transport, acting as a "glue" for connecting clients and servers. Practically speaking, the handy-http-transport library provides HTTP server implementations you can use interchangeably with other handy-http libraries.

For now, see the section on HTTP/1.1, as that's the only HTTP version implemented so far.


Use the Http1Transport implementation of HttpTransport to serve content using the HTTP/1.1 protocol. See the example below:

import handy_http_primitives;
import handy_http_transport;

class MyHandler : HttpRequestHandler {
    void handle(ref ServerHttpRequest req, ref Server HttpResponse resp) {
        response.status = HttpStatus.OK;
        response.headers.add("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        response.outputStream.writeToStream(cast(ubyte[]) "Hello world!");

void main() {
    HttpTransport tp = new Http1Transport(new MyHandler(), 8080);