Added more comments, cleaned up code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ module handy_http_primitives.handler;
import handy_http_primitives.request;
import handy_http_primitives.response;
* Defines the request handler interface, which is called upon to handle an
* incoming HTTP request.
interface HttpRequestHandler {
void handle(in HttpRequest request, ref HttpResponse response);
void handle(ref ServerHttpRequest request, ref ServerHttpResponse response);
@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
module handy_http_primitives;
public import handy_http_primitives.request;
public import handy_http_primitives.response;
public import handy_http_primitives.handler;
public import handy_http_primitives.optional;
public import handy_http_primitives.multivalue_map;
@ -1,25 +1,47 @@
module handy_http_primitives.request;
import streams;
import streams : InputStream;
import std.traits : isSomeString, EnumMembers;
import handy_http_primitives.multivalue_map;
import handy_http_primitives.optional;
struct HttpRequest {
const ubyte httpVersion = 1;
const Method method = Method.GET;
const string url = "";
* The HTTP request struct which represents the content of an HTTP request as
* received by a server.
struct ServerHttpRequest {
/// The HTTP version of the request.
const HttpVersion httpVersion = HttpVersion.V1_1;
/// The HTTP verb used in the request.
const HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.GET;
/// The URL that was requested.
const(char[]) url = "";
/// A case-insensitive map of all request headers.
const(CaseInsensitiveStringMultiValueMap) headers;
/// A case-sensitive map of all URL query parameters.
const(StringMultiValueMap) queryParams;
/// The underlying stream used to read the body from the request.
InputStream!ubyte inputStream;
* Enumeration of all possible HTTP request versions, as an unsigned byte for
* efficient storage.
public enum HttpVersion : ubyte {
V1_1 = 1 << 1,
V2 = 1 << 2,
V3 = 1 << 3
* Enumeration of all possible HTTP request methods as unsigned integer values
* for efficient logic.
public enum Method : ushort {
public enum HttpMethod : ushort {
GET = 1 << 0,
HEAD = 1 << 1,
POST = 1 << 2,
@ -30,3 +52,33 @@ public enum Method : ushort {
TRACE = 1 << 7,
PATCH = 1 << 8
* Attempts to parse an HttpMethod from a string.
* Params:
* s = The string to parse.
* Returns: An optional which may contain an HttpMethod, if one was parsed.
Optional!HttpMethod parseHttpMethod(S)(S s) if (isSomeString!S) {
import std.uni : toUpper;
import std.string : strip;
import std.conv : to;
static foreach (m; EnumMembers!HttpMethod) {
if (s == to!string(m)) return Optional!HttpMethod.of(m);
const cleanStr = strip(toUpper(s));
static foreach (m; EnumMembers!HttpMethod) {
if (cleanStr == to!string(m)) return Optional!HttpMethod.of(m);
return Optional!HttpMethod.empty;
unittest {
alias R = Optional!HttpMethod;
assert(parseHttpMethod("GET") == R.of(HttpMethod.GET));
assert(parseHttpMethod("get") == R.of(HttpMethod.GET));
assert(parseHttpMethod(" geT ") == R.of(HttpMethod.GET));
assert(parseHttpMethod("PATCH") == R.of(HttpMethod.PATCH));
assert(parseHttpMethod(" not a method!") == R.empty);
assert(parseHttpMethod("") == R.empty);
@ -4,9 +4,16 @@ import streams;
import handy_http_primitives.multivalue_map;
struct HttpResponse {
* The response that's sent by a server back to a client after processing the
* client's HTTP request.
struct ServerHttpResponse {
/// The response status.
StatusInfo status = HttpStatus.OK;
/// A multi-valued map containing all headers.
StringMultiValueMap headers;
/// The stream to which the response body is written.
OutputStream!ubyte outputStream;
@ -24,73 +31,73 @@ struct StatusInfo {
enum HttpStatus : StatusInfo {
// Information
CONTINUE = StatusInfo(100, "Continue"),
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = StatusInfo(101, "Switching Protocols"),
PROCESSING = StatusInfo(102, "Processing"),
EARLY_HINTS = StatusInfo(103, "Early Hints"),
CONTINUE = StatusInfo(100, "Continue"),
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = StatusInfo(101, "Switching Protocols"),
PROCESSING = StatusInfo(102, "Processing"),
EARLY_HINTS = StatusInfo(103, "Early Hints"),
// Success
OK = StatusInfo(200, "OK"),
CREATED = StatusInfo(201, "Created"),
ACCEPTED = StatusInfo(202, "Accepted"),
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = StatusInfo(203, "Non-Authoritative Information"),
NO_CONTENT = StatusInfo(204, "No Content"),
RESET_CONTENT = StatusInfo(205, "Reset Content"),
PARTIAL_CONTENT = StatusInfo(206, "Partial Content"),
MULTI_STATUS = StatusInfo(207, "Multi-Status"),
ALREADY_REPORTED = StatusInfo(208, "Already Reported"),
IM_USED = StatusInfo(226, "IM Used"),
OK = StatusInfo(200, "OK"),
CREATED = StatusInfo(201, "Created"),
ACCEPTED = StatusInfo(202, "Accepted"),
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = StatusInfo(203, "Non-Authoritative Information"),
NO_CONTENT = StatusInfo(204, "No Content"),
RESET_CONTENT = StatusInfo(205, "Reset Content"),
PARTIAL_CONTENT = StatusInfo(206, "Partial Content"),
MULTI_STATUS = StatusInfo(207, "Multi-Status"),
ALREADY_REPORTED = StatusInfo(208, "Already Reported"),
IM_USED = StatusInfo(226, "IM Used"),
// Redirection
MULTIPLE_CHOICES = StatusInfo(300, "Multiple Choices"),
MOVED_PERMANENTLY = StatusInfo(301, "Moved Permanently"),
FOUND = StatusInfo(302, "Found"),
SEE_OTHER = StatusInfo(303, "See Other"),
NOT_MODIFIED = StatusInfo(304, "Not Modified"),
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = StatusInfo(307, "Temporary Redirect"),
PERMANENT_REDIRECT = StatusInfo(308, "Permanent Redirect"),
MULTIPLE_CHOICES = StatusInfo(300, "Multiple Choices"),
MOVED_PERMANENTLY = StatusInfo(301, "Moved Permanently"),
FOUND = StatusInfo(302, "Found"),
SEE_OTHER = StatusInfo(303, "See Other"),
NOT_MODIFIED = StatusInfo(304, "Not Modified"),
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = StatusInfo(307, "Temporary Redirect"),
PERMANENT_REDIRECT = StatusInfo(308, "Permanent Redirect"),
// Client error
BAD_REQUEST = StatusInfo(400, "Bad Request"),
UNAUTHORIZED = StatusInfo(401, "Unauthorized"),
PAYMENT_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(402, "Payment Required"),
FORBIDDEN = StatusInfo(403, "Forbidden"),
NOT_FOUND = StatusInfo(404, "Not Found"),
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = StatusInfo(405, "Method Not Allowed"),
NOT_ACCEPTABLE = StatusInfo(406, "Not Acceptable"),
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(407, "Proxy Authentication Required"),
REQUEST_TIMEOUT = StatusInfo(408, "Request Timeout"),
CONFLICT = StatusInfo(409, "Conflict"),
GONE = StatusInfo(410, "Gone"),
LENGTH_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(411, "Length Required"),
PRECONDITION_FAILED = StatusInfo(412, "Precondition Failed"),
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE = StatusInfo(413, "Payload Too Large"),
URI_TOO_LONG = StatusInfo(414, "URI Too Long"),
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = StatusInfo(415, "Unsupported Media Type"),
RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = StatusInfo(416, "Range Not Satisfiable"),
EXPECTATION_FAILED = StatusInfo(417, "Expectation Failed"),
IM_A_TEAPOT = StatusInfo(418, "I'm a teapot"),
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = StatusInfo(421, "Misdirected Request"),
UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT = StatusInfo(422, "Unprocessable Content"),
LOCKED = StatusInfo(423, "Locked"),
FAILED_DEPENDENCY = StatusInfo(424, "Failed Dependency"),
TOO_EARLY = StatusInfo(425, "Too Early"),
UPGRADE_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(426, "Upgrade Required"),
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(428, "Precondition Required"),
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = StatusInfo(429, "Too Many Requests"),
BAD_REQUEST = StatusInfo(400, "Bad Request"),
UNAUTHORIZED = StatusInfo(401, "Unauthorized"),
PAYMENT_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(402, "Payment Required"),
FORBIDDEN = StatusInfo(403, "Forbidden"),
NOT_FOUND = StatusInfo(404, "Not Found"),
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = StatusInfo(405, "Method Not Allowed"),
NOT_ACCEPTABLE = StatusInfo(406, "Not Acceptable"),
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(407, "Proxy Authentication Required"),
REQUEST_TIMEOUT = StatusInfo(408, "Request Timeout"),
CONFLICT = StatusInfo(409, "Conflict"),
GONE = StatusInfo(410, "Gone"),
LENGTH_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(411, "Length Required"),
PRECONDITION_FAILED = StatusInfo(412, "Precondition Failed"),
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE = StatusInfo(413, "Payload Too Large"),
URI_TOO_LONG = StatusInfo(414, "URI Too Long"),
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = StatusInfo(415, "Unsupported Media Type"),
RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = StatusInfo(416, "Range Not Satisfiable"),
EXPECTATION_FAILED = StatusInfo(417, "Expectation Failed"),
IM_A_TEAPOT = StatusInfo(418, "I'm a teapot"),
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = StatusInfo(421, "Misdirected Request"),
UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT = StatusInfo(422, "Unprocessable Content"),
LOCKED = StatusInfo(423, "Locked"),
FAILED_DEPENDENCY = StatusInfo(424, "Failed Dependency"),
TOO_EARLY = StatusInfo(425, "Too Early"),
UPGRADE_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(426, "Upgrade Required"),
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(428, "Precondition Required"),
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = StatusInfo(429, "Too Many Requests"),
REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = StatusInfo(431, "Request Header Fields Too Large"),
UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS = StatusInfo(451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"),
UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS = StatusInfo(451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"),
// Server error
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = StatusInfo(500, "Internal Server Error"),
NOT_IMPLEMENTED = StatusInfo(501, "Not Implemented"),
BAD_GATEWAY = StatusInfo(502, "Bad Gateway"),
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = StatusInfo(503, "Service Unavailable"),
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = StatusInfo(504, "Gateway Timeout"),
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = StatusInfo(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"),
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = StatusInfo(506, "Variant Also Negotiates"),
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = StatusInfo(507, "Insufficient Storage"),
LOOP_DETECTED = StatusInfo(508, "Loop Detected"),
NOT_EXTENDED = StatusInfo(510, "Not Extended"),
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = StatusInfo(500, "Internal Server Error"),
NOT_IMPLEMENTED = StatusInfo(501, "Not Implemented"),
BAD_GATEWAY = StatusInfo(502, "Bad Gateway"),
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = StatusInfo(503, "Service Unavailable"),
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = StatusInfo(504, "Gateway Timeout"),
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = StatusInfo(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"),
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = StatusInfo(506, "Variant Also Negotiates"),
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = StatusInfo(507, "Insufficient Storage"),
LOOP_DETECTED = StatusInfo(508, "Loop Detected"),
NOT_EXTENDED = StatusInfo(510, "Not Extended"),
NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = StatusInfo(511, "Network Authentication Required")
Reference in New Issue