449 lines
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449 lines
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* An implementation of a multi-valued mapping, where one key may map to one
* or more values.
module handy_http_primitives.multivalue_map;
import handy_http_primitives.optional;
* A multi-valued mapping, where a key is mapped to one or more values. The map
* is sorted by keys for O(log(n)) lookup and retrieval, and O(n*log(n))
* insertion.
* `KeyType` is the type used for the map's keys.
* `ValueType` is the type used for the map's values.
* `KeySort` is a function that takes two operands and returns true if the
* first one is less than the second.
* `KeyEquals` is a function that takes two operands and returns true if they
* are equal.
struct MultiValueMap(
alias KeySort = (a, b) => a < b,
alias KeyEquals = (a, b) => a == b
) {
/// The internal structure used to store each key and set of values.
static struct Entry {
/// The key for this entry.
KeyType key;
* The list of values associated with this entry's key. This always
* contains at least one value.
ValueType[] values;
* Gets a human-readable string representation of this entry.
* Returns: A string representation of this entry.
string toString() const {
import std.conv : to;
import std.algorithm : map, joiner;
import std.array : array;
string keyStr = key.to!string;
string valuesStr = values
.map!(v => "\""~v.to!string~"\"")
.joiner(", ").array.to!string;
return "\"" ~ keyStr ~ "\": " ~ valuesStr;
/// The internal, sorted array of entries.
private Entry[] entries;
* Finds the index of the entry with a given key in the internal array.
* Params:
* k = The key to search for.
* Returns: The index if it was found, or -1 if it doesn't exist.
private long indexOf(KeyType k) const {
if (entries.length == 0) return -1;
if (entries.length == 1) {
return entries[0].key == k ? 0 : -1;
size_t startIdx = 0;
size_t endIdx = entries.length - 1;
while (startIdx <= endIdx) {
size_t mid = startIdx + (endIdx - startIdx) / 2;
const key = entries[mid].key;
if (KeyEquals(key, k)) return mid;
if (KeySort(entries[mid].key, k)) {
startIdx = mid + 1;
} else {
if (mid == 0) return -1;
endIdx = mid - 1;
return -1;
* Attempts to get the entry for a given key. Complexity is O(log(keyCount)).
* Params:
* k = The key to look for.
* Returns: An optional that may contain the entry that was found.
private Optional!Entry getEntry(KeyType k) {
long idx = indexOf(k);
if (idx == -1) return Optional!Entry.empty();
return Optional!Entry.of(entries[cast(size_t) idx]);
* Gets the number of unique keys in this map.
* Returns: The number of unique keys in this map.
size_t length() const {
return entries.length;
* Determines if this map contains a value for the given key.
* Params:
* k = The key to search for.
* Returns: True if at least one value exists for the given key.
bool contains(KeyType k) const {
return indexOf(k) != -1;
* Gets a list of all keys in this map, allocated in a new array.
* Returns: The list of keys in this map.
KeyType[] keys() const {
KeyType[] keysArray = new KeyType[this.length()];
foreach (size_t i, const Entry e; entries) {
keysArray[i] = e.key;
return keysArray;
* Gets all values associated with a given key, allocated in a new array.
* Params:
* k = The key to get the values of.
* Returns: The values associated with the given key, or an empty array if
* no values exist for the key.
ValueType[] getAll(KeyType k) const {
long idx = indexOf(k);
if (idx == -1) return [];
return entries[cast(size_t) idx].values.dup;
* Gets the first value associated with a given key, as per the order in
* which the values were inserted.
* Params:
* k = The key to get the first value of.
* Returns: An optional contains the value, if there is at least one value
* for the given key.
Optional!ValueType getFirst(KeyType k) const {
long idx = indexOf(k);
if (idx == -1) return Optional!ValueType.empty();
return Optional!ValueType.of(entries[cast(size_t) idx].values[0]);
* Adds a single key -> value pair to the map, with time complexity of
* O(n*log(n)) due to sorting the new entry by its key.
* Params:
* k = The key.
* v = The value associated with the key.
void add(KeyType k, ValueType v) {
long idx = indexOf(k);
if (idx == -1) {
entries ~= Entry(k, [v]);
import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
sort!((a, b) => KeySort(a.key, b.key))(entries);
} else {
entries[cast(size_t) idx].values ~= v;
* Clears this map of all values.
void clear() {
entries.length = 0;
* Removes a key from the map, thus removing all values associated with
* that key.
* Params:
* k = The key to remove.
void remove(KeyType k) {
long idx = indexOf(k);
if (idx == -1) return;
if (entries.length == 1) {
if (idx + 1 < entries.length) {
const i = cast(size_t) idx;
entries[i .. $ - 1] = entries[i + 1 .. $];
entries.length = entries.length - 1;
* Gets this multivalue map as an associative array, where each key is
* mapped to a list of values.
* Returns: The associative array.
ValueType[][KeyType] asAssociativeArray() const {
ValueType[][KeyType] aa;
foreach (const Entry entry; entries) {
aa[entry.key] = entry.values.dup;
return aa;
* Constructs a multivalued map from an associative array.
* Params:
* aa = The associative array to use.
* Returns: The multivalued map.
static MultiValueMap!(KeyType, ValueType, KeySort) fromAssociativeArray(ValueType[][KeyType] aa) {
MultiValueMap!(KeyType, ValueType, KeySort) m;
foreach (KeyType k, ValueType[] values; aa) {
foreach (ValueType v; values) {
m.add(k, v);
return m;
* Constructs a multivalued map from an associative array of single values.
* Params:
* aa = The associative array to use.
* Returns: The multivalued map.
static MultiValueMap!(KeyType, ValueType, KeySort) fromAssociativeArray(ValueType[KeyType] aa) {
MultiValueMap!(KeyType, ValueType, KeySort) m;
foreach (KeyType k, ValueType v; aa) {
m.add(k, v);
return m;
* An efficient builder that can be used to construct a multivalued map
* with successive `add` calls, which is more efficient than doing so
* directly due to the builder's deferred sorting.
static struct Builder {
import std.array;
private MultiValueMap m;
private RefAppender!(Entry[]) entryAppender;
* Adds a key -> value pair to the builder's map.
* Params:
* k = The key.
* v = The value associated with the key.
* Returns: A reference to the builder, for method chaining.
ref Builder add(KeyType k, ValueType v) {
if (entryAppender.data is null) entryAppender = appender(&m.entries);
long idx = this.indexOf(k);
if (idx == -1) {
entryAppender ~= Entry(k, [v]);
} else {
m.entries[cast(size_t) idx].values ~= v;
return this;
* Builds the multivalued map.
* Returns: The map that was created.
MultiValueMap build() {
if (m.entries.length == 0) return m;
import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
sort!((a, b) => KeySort(a.key, b.key))(m.entries);
return m;
private long indexOf(KeyType k) {
foreach (i, entry; m.entries) {
if (KeyEquals(entry.key, k)) return i;
return -1;
* Implements the empty index operator, which just returns the entire list
* of entries in this map.
* Returns: The list of entries in this map.
inout(Entry)[] opIndex() inout {
return entries;
* Convenience overload to get the first value for a given key. Note: this
* will throw an exception if no values exist for the given key. To avoid
* this, use `getFirst` and deal with the missing value yourself.
* Params:
* key = The key to get the value of.
* Returns: The first value for the given key.
ValueType opIndex(KeyType key) const {
import std.conv : to;
return getFirst(key).orElseThrow("No values exist for key " ~ key.to!string ~ ".");
* `opApply` implementation to allow iterating over this map by all pairs
* of keys and values.
* Params:
* dg = The foreach body that uses each key -> value pair.
* Returns: The result of the delegate call.
int opApply(int delegate(const ref KeyType, const ref ValueType) dg) const {
int result = 0;
foreach (const Entry entry; entries) {
foreach (ValueType value; entry.values) {
result = dg(entry.key, value);
if (result) break;
return result;
* Implements opBinaryRight for the "in" operator, such that `k in m` will
* resolve to the list of values for key `k` in the multivalue map `m` if
* that key exists, or `null` if not.
* Params:
* lhs = The key to use.
* Returns: A list of values for the given key, or null if no such key exists.
* ---
* StringMultiValueMap m;
* m.add("a", "hello");
* assert("a" in m);
* assert(("a" in m) == ["hello"]);
* assert("b" !in m);
* assert(("b" in m) is null);
* ---
ValueType[] opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(string lhs) {
Optional!Entry optionalEntry = this.getEntry(lhs);
if (optionalEntry) {
Entry entry = optionalEntry.value;
return entry.values;
return null;
* Converts this map into a human-readable string which lists each key and
* all of the values for that key.
* Returns: A string representation of this map.
string toString() const {
import std.format : format;
return format!"%(%s\n%)"(entries);
* A multivalued map of strings, where each string key refers to zero or more
* string values. All keys are case-sensitive.
alias StringMultiValueMap = MultiValueMap!(string, string);
* A multivalued map of strings, where keys are NOT case sensitive.
alias CaseInsensitiveStringMultiValueMap = MultiValueMap!(
string, string,
(a, b) => a < b,
(a, b) {
import std.string : toLower;
return toLower(a) == toLower(b);
unittest {
StringMultiValueMap m;
m.add("a", "hello");
assert(m.getFirst("a").orElseThrow == "hello");
m.add("b", "bye");
assert(m.getFirst("b").orElseThrow == "bye");
assert(m.asAssociativeArray == ["a": ["hello"], "b": ["bye"]]);
assert(m["b"] == "bye");
m.add("b", "hello");
assert(m.getAll("b") == ["bye", "hello"]);
assert(m.length == 0);
auto m2 = StringMultiValueMap.fromAssociativeArray(["a": "123", "b": "abc"]);
assert(m2["a"] == "123");
assert(m2["b"] == "abc");
auto m3 = StringMultiValueMap.fromAssociativeArray(["a": [""], "b": [""], "c": ["hello"]]);
assert(m3["a"] == "");
assert(m3["b"] == "");
assert(m3["c"] == "hello");
// Test that opApply works:
int n = 0;
foreach (key, value; m3) {
assert(n == 3);
// Test opBinaryRight with "in" operator.
StringMultiValueMap m4;
m4.add("a", "1");
assert("a" in m4);
assert("b" !in m4);
auto valuesA = "a" in m4;
assert(valuesA == ["1"]);
auto valuesB = "b" in m4;
assert(valuesB is null);
// Test opIndex with an empty index.
StringMultiValueMap m5;
assert(m5[] == []);
m5.add("a", "123");
assert(m5[] == [StringMultiValueMap.Entry("a", ["123"])]);
// test on a const instance
const(StringMultiValueMap) m6 = m5;
assert(m6[] == [StringMultiValueMap.Entry("a", ["123"])]);
// test the builder with multi-values
StringMultiValueMap.Builder builder;
builder.add("a", "123");
builder.add("a", "456");
assert(builder.build()[] == [StringMultiValueMap.Entry("a", ["123", "456"])], builder.build().toString);