import handy_httpd; import handy_httpd.handlers.path_handler; import slf4d; import d_properties; import d2sqlite3; import std.file; import std.conv; import std.json; import std.datetime; void main() { ServerConfig config = ServerConfig.defaultValues(); if (exists("")) { Properties props = Properties(""); if (props.has("hostname")) { config.hostname = props.get("hostname"); } if (props.has("port")) { config.port = props.get("port").to!ushort; } if (props.has("workers")) { config.workerPoolSize = props.get("workers").to!size_t; } } initDb(); HttpServer server = new HttpServer((ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { ctx.response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); ctx.response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); if (ctx.request.method == Method.GET) { handleLogbookRequest(ctx); } else if (ctx.request.method == Method.POST) { handleVisitorLog(ctx); } else if (ctx.request.method == Method.OPTIONS) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK); } else { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); } }, config); server.start(); } void handleVisitorLog(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { JSONValue logBody = ctx.request.readBodyAsJson(); string name = logBody.object["name"].str; if (name.length > 32) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Name is too long."); return; } string message = logBody.object["message"].str; if (message.length > 255) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Message is too long."); return; } if (!ctx.request.headers.contains("X-Forwarded-For")) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Missing remote IP"); return; } string remoteAddress = ctx.request.headers.getFirst("X-Forwarded-For").orElseThrow(); // If the user has sent another log within the last minute, block this one. LogEntry[] recentLogsByThisAddress = getRecentLogEntriesByRemoteAddress(remoteAddress); SysTime now = Clock.currTime(); if (recentLogsByThisAddress.length > 0 && now - recentLogsByThisAddress[0].createdAt < minutes(1)) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS); return; } insertLogEntry(remoteAddress, name, message); } void handleLogbookRequest(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { uint limit = ctx.request.getParamAs!uint("limit", 5); if (limit > 100) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Limit is too large."); return; } uint offset = ctx.request.getParamAs!uint("offset", 0); LogEntry[] entries = getRecentLogEntries(limit, offset); JSONValue entriesJson = JSONValue(JSONValue[].init); foreach (LogEntry entry; entries) { entriesJson.array ~= entry.toJson(); } ctx.response.writeBodyString(entriesJson.toString(), "application/json"); } struct LogEntry { ulong id; SysTime createdAt; string remoteAddress; string name; string message; JSONValue toJson() const { JSONValue obj = JSONValue(string[string].init); obj["id"] = JSONValue(id); obj["createdAt"] = JSONValue(createdAt.toISOExtString()); obj["remoteAddress"] = JSONValue(remoteAddress); obj["name"] = JSONValue(name); obj["message"] = JSONValue(message); return obj; } static LogEntry fromDbRow(ref Row row) { LogEntry entry; = row.peek!ulong(0); string createdAtStr = row.peek!string(1); string isoCreatedAt = createdAtStr[0 .. 4] ~ createdAtStr[5 .. 7] ~ createdAtStr[8 .. 10] ~ 'T' ~ createdAtStr[11 .. 13] ~ createdAtStr[14 .. 16] ~ createdAtStr[17 .. $]; entry.createdAt = SysTime.fromISOString(isoCreatedAt); entry.remoteAddress = row.peek!string(2); = row.peek!string(3); entry.message = row.peek!string(4); return entry; } } void initDb() { Database db = Database("logbook.sqlite");"SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log_entry ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, remote_address TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL ); SQL"); db.close(); info("Initialized database."); } void insertLogEntry(string remoteAddress, string name, string message) { Database db = Database("logbook.sqlite"); Statement stmt = db.prepare(q"SQL INSERT INTO log_entry (remote_address, name, message) VALUES (:addr, :name, :msg); SQL"); stmt.bind(1, remoteAddress); stmt.bind(2, name); stmt.bind(3, message); stmt.execute(); stmt.finalize(); db.close(); infoF!"Added log entry for %s @ %s"(name, remoteAddress); } LogEntry[] findAllByQuery(string query) { import std.array : Appender, appender; Database db = Database("logbook.sqlite"); ResultRange results = db.execute(query); Appender!(LogEntry[]) app = appender!(LogEntry[])(); foreach (Row row; results) { app ~= LogEntry.fromDbRow(row); } return; } LogEntry[] getRecentLogEntries(uint limit, uint offset) { import std.format; string query = format!"SELECT * FROM log_entry ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d"(limit, offset); return findAllByQuery(query); } LogEntry[] getRecentLogEntriesByRemoteAddress(string remoteAddress) { import std.array : Appender, appender; Database db = Database("logbook.sqlite"); Statement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM log_entry WHERE remote_address = :addr ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10"); stmt.bind(1, remoteAddress); ResultRange results = stmt.execute(); Appender!(LogEntry[]) app = appender!(LogEntry[])(); foreach (Row row; results) { app ~= LogEntry.fromDbRow(row); } return; }