# ULID Creator A Java library for generating and handling ULIDs - _Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers_. How to Use ------------------------------------------------------ Create a ULID: ```java String ulid = UlidCreator.getUlid(); ``` Create a ULID as GUID object: ```java UUID ulid = UlidCreator.getGuid(); ``` ### Maven dependency Add these lines to your `pom.xml`. ```xml com.github.f4b6a3 ulid-creator 1.0.2 ``` See more options in [maven.org](https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.github.f4b6a3/ulid-creator) and [mvnrepository.com](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.f4b6a3/ulid-creator). Implementation ------------------------------------------------------ ### ULID The ULID is a unique and sortable 26 char sequence. See the [ULID specification](https://github.com/ulid/spec) for more information. See the section on GUIDs to know how the 128 bits are generated in this library. ```java // ULIDs String ulid = UlidCreator.getUlid(); ``` Examples of ULIDs: ```text 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B8T 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B8V 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B8W 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B8X 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B8Y 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B8Z 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B90 01E1PPRTMSQ34W7JR5YSND6B91 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEE < millisecond changed 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEF 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEG 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEH 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEJ 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEK 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEM 01E1PPRTMTYMX8G17TWSJJZMEN ^ look ^ look |---------|--------------| milli randomness ``` ### GUID The GUIDs in this library are based on the [ULID specification](https://github.com/ulid/spec). The first 48 bits represent the count of milliseconds since Unix Epoch, 1 January 1970. The remaining 60 bits are generated by a secure random number generator. Every time the timestamp changes the random part is reset to a new random value. If the current timestamp is equal to the previous one, the random bits are incremented by 1. The default random number generator is `SecureRandom`, but it's possible to use any RNG that extends `Random`. ```java // GUID based on ULID spec UUID guid = UlidCreator.getGuid(); ``` Examples of GUIDs based on ULID spec: ```text 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58ea 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58eb 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58ec 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58ed 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58ee 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58ef 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58f0 01706d6c-6aac-80bd-7ff5-f660c2dd58f1 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bb8 < millisecond changed 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bb9 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bba 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bbb 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bbc 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bbd 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bbe 01706d6c-6aad-c795-370c-98d0be881bbf ^ look ^ look |------------|---------------------| millisecs randomness ``` #### How use the `GuidCreator` directly These are some examples of using the `GuidCreator` to create ULIDs: ```java // with fixed timestamp strategy (for test cases) String ulid = UlidCreator.getGuidCreator() .withTimestampStrategy(new FixedTimestampStretegy()) .createUlid(); // with your custom timestamp strategy String ulid = UlidCreator.getGuidCreator() .withTimestampStrategy(new MyCustomTimestampStrategy()) .createUlid(); // with your custom random number generator String ulid = UlidCreator.getGuidCreator() .withRandomGenerator(new MyCustomRandom()) .createUlid(); // with fast random generator (Xorshift128Plus with salt) int salt = (int) FingerprintUtil.getFingerprint(); Random random = new Xorshift128PlusRandom(salt); String ulid = UlidCreator.getGuidCreator() .withRandomGenerator(random) .createUlid(); // with fast random generator (the same as above) String ulid = UlidCreator.getGuidCreator() .withFastRandomGenerator() .createUlid(); ```