24 lines
604 B
Executable File
24 lines
604 B
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail
# Script for deploying the application to teacher-tools.andrewlalis.com.
echo "Building app"
cd app
rm -rf dist
npm run build
cd ..
echo "Building API"
cd api
dub clean
dub build --build=release --compiler=/opt/ldc2/ldc2-1.36.0-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
cd ..
ssh -f root@andrewlalis.com 'systemctl stop teacher-tools-api.service'
scp api/teacher-tools-api root@andrewlalis.com:/opt/teacher-tools/
rsync -rav -e ssh --delete app/dist/* root@andrewlalis.com:/opt/teacher-tools/app-content
ssh -f root@andrewlalis.com 'systemctl start teacher-tools-api.service'