module live_tracker; import handy_httpd.components.websocket; import slf4d; import std.uuid; import std.datetime; import std.json; import std.string; /** * A websocket message handler that keeps track of each connected session, and * records information about that session's activities. */ class LiveTracker : WebSocketMessageHandler { private StatSession[UUID] sessions; private immutable uint minSessionDurationMillis = 1000; override void onConnectionEstablished(WebSocketConnection conn) { debugF!"Connection established: %s"(conn.getId()); sessions[conn.getId()] = StatSession( conn.getId(), Clock.currTime(UTC()) ); } override void onTextMessage(WebSocketTextMessage msg) { debugF!"Got message from %s: %s"(msg.conn.getId(), msg.payload); StatSession* session = msg.conn.getId() in sessions; if (session is null) { warnF!"Got a websocket text message from a client without a session: %s"(msg.conn.getId()); return; } JSONValue obj = parseJSON(msg.payload); immutable string msgType = obj.object["type"].str; if (msgType == MessageTypes.IDENT) { string fullUrl = obj.object["href"].str; session.href = fullUrl; ptrdiff_t paramsIdx = std.string.indexOf(fullUrl, '?'); if (paramsIdx == -1) { session.url = fullUrl; } else { session.url = fullUrl[0 .. paramsIdx]; } session.userAgent = obj.object["userAgent"].str; } else if (msgType == MessageTypes.EVENT) { ~= EventRecord( Clock.currTime(UTC()), obj.object["event"].str ); } } override void onConnectionClosed(WebSocketConnection conn) { debugF!"Connection closed: %s"(conn.getId()); StatSession* session = conn.getId() in sessions; if (session !is null && session.isValid) { Duration dur = Clock.currTime(UTC()) - session.connectedAt; if (!"msecs" >= minSessionDurationMillis) { infoF!"Session lasted %d seconds, %d events."(!"seconds",; infoF!"%s, %s"(session.href, session.userAgent); } } sessions.remove(conn.getId()); } } private enum MessageTypes : string { IDENT = "ident", EVENT = "event" } struct StatSession { UUID id; SysTime connectedAt; string url = null; string href = null; string userAgent = null; EventRecord[] events; bool isValid() const { return url !is null && href !is null && userAgent !is null; } } struct EventRecord { SysTime timestamp; string eventType; }