module cipher_utils; import botan.block.block_cipher : BlockCipher; import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.datetime.stopwatch; public const string ENCRYPTED_SUFFIX = ".enc"; public void encryptFile(string filename, string outputFilename, BlockCipher cipher, ref ubyte[] buffer, bool verbose) { assert(buffer.length == cipher.blockSize, "Buffer length must match cipher block size."); if (verbose) { writefln!"Encrypting file \"%s\" of %d bytes to \"%s\" using cipher %s."( filename, getSize(filename), outputFilename, ); } StopWatch sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes); File fIn = File(filename, "rb"); File fOut = File(outputFilename, "wb"); // First, write one block containing the file's size. writeSizeBytes(buffer, fIn.size); // Fill the rest of the block with an incrementing series of bytes, so we can easily validate decryption. if (buffer.length > 8) { ubyte marker = 1; for (size_t i = 8; i < buffer.length; i++) { buffer[i] = marker++; } } cipher.encrypt(buffer); fOut.rawWrite(buffer); // Then write the rest of the file. foreach (ubyte[] chunk; fIn.byChunk(buffer)) { cipher.encrypt(buffer); fOut.rawWrite(buffer); } fIn.close(); fOut.close(); sw.stop(); if (verbose) { writefln!" Encrypted file in %d ms, new size %d bytes."(sw.peek().total!"msecs", getSize(outputFilename)); } } public bool decryptFile(string filename, string outputFilename, BlockCipher cipher, ref ubyte[] buffer, bool verbose) { assert(buffer.length == cipher.blockSize, "Buffer length must match cipher block size."); if (verbose) { writefln!"Decrypting file \"%s\" of %d bytes to \"%s\" using cipher %s."( filename, getSize(filename), outputFilename, ); } StopWatch sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes); File fIn = File(filename, "rb"); // First, read one block containing the file's size. fIn.rawRead(buffer); cipher.decrypt(buffer); // Verify the sequence of values to ensure decryption was successful. if (buffer.length > 8 && !validateBufferDecryptionMarker(buffer[8..$], verbose)) { fIn.close(); return false; } ulong size = readSizeBytes(buffer); if (verbose) { writefln!" Original file had size of %d bytes."(size); } ulong bytesWritten = 0; File fOut = File(outputFilename, "wb"); // Then read the rest of the file. foreach (ubyte[] chunk; fIn.byChunk(buffer)) { cipher.decrypt(buffer); size_t bytesToWrite = buffer.length; if (bytesWritten + buffer.length > size) { bytesToWrite = cast(size_t) (size - bytesWritten); } fOut.rawWrite(buffer[0 .. bytesToWrite]); bytesWritten += bytesToWrite; } fIn.close(); fOut.close(); sw.stop(); if (verbose) { writefln!" Decrypted file in %d ms, new size %d bytes."(sw.peek().total!"msecs", getSize(outputFilename)); } return true; } private bool validateBufferDecryptionMarker(ubyte[] bufferSlice, bool verbose) { ubyte expectedMarker = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < bufferSlice.length; i++) { if (bufferSlice[i] != expectedMarker) { if (verbose) { writefln!" Decryption validation failed. Expected byte at index %d to be %d, but got %d."( i, expectedMarker, bufferSlice[i] ); } return false; } expectedMarker++; } return true; } union LongByteArrayUnion { ulong longValue; ubyte[8] bytes; } private void writeSizeBytes(ref ubyte[] bytes, ulong size) { assert(bytes.length >= 8, "Array length must be at least 8."); LongByteArrayUnion u; u.longValue = size; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) bytes[i] = u.bytes[i]; if (bytes.length > 8) { for (size_t i = 8; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = 0; } } } private ulong readSizeBytes(ref ubyte[] bytes) { assert(bytes.length >= 8, "Array length must be at least 8."); LongByteArrayUnion u; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) u.bytes[i] = bytes[i]; return u.longValue; } unittest { ubyte[] buffer = new ubyte[16]; void doAssert(ulong size) { import std.format; writeSizeBytes(buffer, size); ulong r = readSizeBytes(buffer); assert(r == size, format!"Value read: %d does not match expected: %d."(r, size)); } doAssert(0); doAssert(1); doAssert(42); doAssert(74_092_382_742_030); }