module cli_utils; import cipher_utils : ENCRYPTED_SUFFIX; enum Action { ENCRYPT, DECRYPT } struct Params { Action action = Action.ENCRYPT; string target = "."; bool recursive = false; bool verbose = false; string passphraseFile = null; } int parseParams(string[] args, ref Params params) { import std.getopt; import std.stdio; import std.file : exists; import std.string : strip; bool isEncrypting; bool isDecrypting; getopt( args, "recursive|r", ¶ms.recursive, "verbose|v", ¶ms.verbose, "encrypt|e", &isEncrypting, "decrypt|d", &isDecrypting, "passphrase-file|p", ¶ms.passphraseFile ); if (isEncrypting && isDecrypting) { stderr.writeln("Invalid arguments: Cannot specify both the --encrypt and --decrypt flags."); } if (args.length > 1) { = args[1]; if (!exists( { stderr.writefln!"Target \"%s\" doesn't exist."(; return 1; } } if (isEncrypting) { params.action = Action.ENCRYPT; } else if (isDecrypting) { params.action = Action.DECRYPT; } else { params.action = determineBestAction(; } return 0; } Action determineBestAction(string target) { import std.file; import std.algorithm : endsWith; if (isFile(target)) { return endsWith(target, ENCRYPTED_SUFFIX) ? Action.DECRYPT : Action.ENCRYPT; } else if (isDir(target)) { foreach (DirEntry entry; dirEntries(target, SpanMode.breadth, false)) { if (entry.isFile && endsWith(, ENCRYPTED_SUFFIX)) return Action.DECRYPT; } return Action.ENCRYPT; } else { return Action.ENCRYPT; } } void printUsage() { import std.stdio : writeln; writeln(q"HELP Usage: scrambler [target] [options] Scramber is a command-line tool for encrypting and decrypting files or entire directories using a passphrase. The following options are available: -e | --encrypt Do an encryption operation on the target file or directory. -d | --decrypt Do a decryption operation on the target file or directory. -p | --passphrase-file A file to read the passphrase from, instead of prompting the user for a passphrase in the command line. -r | --recursive Recursively encrypt/decrypt nested directories. -v | --verbose Show verbose output during runtime. -s | --no-suffix Do not add the ".enc" suffix to files. Encrypted files are suffixed with ".enc" to indicate that they're encrypted and cannot be read as usual. If neither --encrypt nor --decrypt flags are provided, Scrambler will try to determine which operation to do based on the presence of ".enc" file(s) at the target location. HELP"); } string readPassphrase() { import std.stdio; import std.string : strip; version(Posix) { import core.sys.posix.termios : termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, ECHO; import core.sys.posix.stdio; termios term; tcgetattr(0, &term); term.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; tcsetattr(0, 0, &term); string passphrase = readln().strip(); term.c_lflag |= ECHO; tcsetattr(0, 0, &term); return passphrase; } else version(Windows) { import; DWORD prev_con_mode; DWORD con_mode; DWORD dwRead; HANDLE hIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleMode(hIn, &con_mode); GetConsoleMode(hIn, &prev_con_mode); SetConsoleMode(hIn, con_mode & ~(ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT)); string password = ""; char BACKSPACE = 8; char RETURN = 13; char ch = 0; while (ReadConsoleA(hIn, &ch, 1, &dwRead, NULL) && ch != RETURN) { if (ch == BACKSPACE) { if (password.length > 0) { password = password[0 .. $ - 1]; } } else { password ~= ch; } } SetConsoleMode(hIn, prev_con_mode); return password; } else { stderr.writeln("Cannot securely read password from terminal."); return null; } }