-- http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableSerialization function print_r (t, name, indent) local tableList = {} function table_r (t, name, indent, full) local serial=string.len(full) == 0 and name or type(name)~="number" and '["'..tostring(name)..'"]' or '['..name..']' io.write(indent,serial,' = ') if type(t) == "table" then if tableList[t] ~= nil then io.write('{}; -- ',tableList[t],' (self reference)\n') else tableList[t]=full..serial if next(t) then -- Table not empty io.write('{\n') for key,value in pairs(t) do table_r(value,key,indent..'\t',full..serial) end io.write(indent,'};\n') else io.write('{};\n') end end else io.write(type(t)~="number" and type(t)~="boolean" and '"'..tostring(t)..'"' or tostring(t),';\n') end end table_r(t,name or '__unnamed__',indent or '','') end local ms = require("src/movescript") print_r(ms.parse("35(2F(safe=false)R 3(L(delay=0.25, file=file.txt)UB))", {debug=true}))