--[[ Movescript - A simplified robot script for ComputerCraft. Author: Andrew Lalis Movescript provides a simpler, conciser way to program "turtles" (robots), so that you don't need to get tired of typing "turtle.forward()" over and over. ]]-- VERSION = "0.0.1" local t = turtle -- The movescript module. Functions defined within this table are exported. local movescript = {} local function debug(msg, settings) if settings and settings.debug then print("[MS] " .. msg) end end -- Helper function for turtle to dig backwards. function t.digBack(side) t.turnRight() t.turnRight() t.dig(side) t.turnRight() t.turnRight() end -- Helper function for turtle to detect backwards. function t.detectBack() t.turnRight() t.turnRight() local result = t.detect() t.turnRight() t.turnRight() return result end -- The default settings to apply to any robot movement, if none are specified. local defaultMovementSettings = { safe = true, destructive = false, fuels = {"minecraft:coal", "minecraft:charcoal"} } local function goDirection(dirFunction, digFunction, detectFunction, settings) settings = settings or defaultMovementSettings safe = settings.safe or defaultMovementSettings.safe destructive = settings.destructive or defaultMovementSettings.destructive local success = dirFunction() if not safe then return end while not success do debug("Unable to move.", settings) if destructive and detectFunction() then debug("Detected a block in the way; attempting to remove it.", settings) digFunction() end success = dirFunction() end end local function goUp(settings) debug("Moving up.", settings) goDirection(t.up, t.digUp, t.detectUp, settings) end local function goDown(settings) debug("Moving down.", settings) goDirection(t.down, t.digDown, t.detectDown, settings) end local function goForward(settings) debug("Moving forward.", settings) goDirection(t.forward, t.dig, t.detect, settings) end local function goBack(settings) debug("Moving back.", settings) goDirection(t.back, t.digBack, t.detectBack, settings) end local function goRight(settings) debug("Turning right.", settings) t.turnRight() end local function goLeft(settings) debug("Turning left.", settings) t.turnLeft() end local actionMap = { ["U"] = {f = goUp, needsFuel = true}, ["D"] = {f = goDown, needsFuel = true}, ["L"] = {f = goLeft, needsFuel = false}, ["R"] = {f = goRight, needsFuel = false}, ["F"] = {f = goForward, needsFuel = true}, ["B"] = {f = goBack, needsFuel = true}, ["P"] = {f = t.place, needsFuel = false}, ["Pu"] = {f = t.placeUp, needsFuel = false}, ["Pd"] = {f = t.placeDown, needsFuel = false}, ["A"] = {f = t.attack, needsFuel = false}, ["Au"] = {f = t.attackUp, needsFuel = false}, ["Ad"] = {f = t.attackDown, needsFuel = false} } -- Tries to refuel the turtle from all slots that contain a valid fuel. -- Returns a boolean indicating if at least one piece of fuel was consumed. local function refuelAll(settings) debug("Refueling...", settings) local fuels = settings.fuels or defaultMovementSettings.fuels local refueled = false for slot = 1, 16 do local item = t.getItemDetail(slot) for _, fuelName in pairs(fuels) do if item.name == fuelName then t.select(i) if t.refuel(item.count) then refueled = true end break end end end return refueled end -- Blocks until the turtle's fuel level is at least at the required level. local function refuelToAtLeast(requiredLevel, settings) refuelAll(settings) while t.getFuelLevel < requiredLevel do print( "[MS] Fuel level is too low. Level: " .. t.getFuelLevel() .. ". Required: " .. requiredLevel .. ". Please add some of the following fuels:" ) local fuels = settings.fuels or defaultMovementSettings.fuels for _, fuelName in pairs(fuels) do print(" - " .. fuelName) end local fuelUpdated = false while not fuelUpdated do os.pullEvent("turtle_inventory") fuelUpdated = refuelAll() end end end -- Executes a single instruction. An instruction is a table with an "action" -- and some attributes, such as if it needs fuel or not. local function executeInstruction(instruction, settings) local action = actionMap[instruction.action] if action then debug("Executing action \"" .. instruction.action .. "\" " .. instruction.count .. " times.", settings) if action.needsFuel and instruction.count > t.getFuelLevel() then local fuelRequired = instruction.count refuelToAtLeast(fuelRequired, settings) end for i = 1, instruction.count do action.f() end end end -- Parses a movescript script into a series of instruction tables. local function parseScript(script, settings) local instructions = {} for instruction in string.gfind(script, "%W*(%d*%u%l*)%W*") do local countIdx, countIdxEnd = string.find(instruction, "%d+") local actionIdx, actionIdxEnd = string.find(instruction, "%u%l*") local count = 1 if countIdx ~= nil then count = tonumber(string.sub(instruction, countIdx, countIdxEnd)) end local action = string.sub(instruction, actionIdx, actionIdxEnd) if count < 1 or count > t.getFuelLimit() then error("Instruction at index " .. actionIdx .. " has an invalid count of " .. count .. ". It should be >= 1 and <= " .. t.getFuelLimit()) end if actionMap[action] == nil then error("Instruction at index " .. actionIdx .. ", \"" .. action .. "\", does not refer to a valid action.") end table.insert(instructions, {action = action, count = count}) debug("Parsed instruction: " .. instruction, settings) end return instructions end function movescript.run(script, settings) settings = settings or defaultMovementSettings script = script or "" debug("Executing script: " .. script, settings) local instructions = parseScript(script, settings) for idx, instruction in pairs(instructions) do executeInstruction(instruction, settings) end end return movescript