105 lines
4.4 KiB
105 lines
4.4 KiB
module data.impl.list;
import data.list;
import data.impl.sqlite3_helpers;
import d2sqlite3;
import handy_httpd;
import std.typecons;
class SqliteNoteListDataSource : NoteListDataSource {
NoteList[] getLists(string username) {
Database db = getDb(username);
ResultRange results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note_list ORDER BY ordinality ASC");
NoteList[] lists;
foreach (Row row; results) {
lists ~= parseNoteList(row);
// Now eager-fetch notes for each list.
Statement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ? ORDER BY ordinality ASC");
foreach (ref list; lists) {
stmt.bind(1, list.id);
ResultRange noteResult = stmt.execute();
foreach (row; noteResult) list.notes ~= parseNote(row);
return lists;
Nullable!NoteList getList(string username, ulong id){
Database db = getDb(username);
ResultRange results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id);
if (results.empty()) return Nullable!NoteList.init;
NoteList list = parseNoteList(results.front());
ResultRange noteResults = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ? ORDER BY ordinality ASC", id);
foreach (Row row; noteResults) {
list.notes ~= parseNote(row);
return nullable(list);
NoteList createNoteList(string username, string name, string description = null){
Database db = getDb(username);
Statement existsStatement = db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM note_list WHERE name = ?");
existsStatement.bind(1, name);
ResultRange existsResult = existsStatement.execute();
if (existsResult.oneValue!int() > 0) {
throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "List already exists.");
Nullable!uint ordResult = db.execute("SELECT MAX(ordinality) + 1 FROM note_list").oneValue!(Nullable!uint);
uint ordinality = 0;
if (!ordResult.isNull) ordinality = ordResult.get();
Statement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO note_list (name, ordinality, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
stmt.bind(1, name);
stmt.bind(2, ordinality);
stmt.bind(3, description);
return NoteList(db.lastInsertRowid(), name, ordinality, description, []);
void deleteNoteList(string username, ulong id) {
Database db = getDb(username);
db.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ?", id);
Nullable!uint ordinality = db.execute(
"SELECT ordinality FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id
db.execute("DELETE FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id);
if (!ordinality.isNull) {
db.execute("UPDATE note_list SET ordinality = ordinality - 1 WHERE ordinality > ?", ordinality.get);
NoteList updateNoteList(string username, ulong id, NoteList newData) {
Database db = getDb(username);
ResultRange result = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id);
if (result.empty()) throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
NoteList list = parseNoteList(result.front());
if (list.ordinality != newData.ordinality) {
if (newData.ordinality > list.ordinality) {
// Decrement all lists between the old index and the new one.
"UPDATE note_list SET ordinality = ordinality - 1 WHERE ordinality > ? AND ordinality <= ?",
} else {
// Increment all lists between the old index and the new one.
"UPDATE note_list SET ordinality = ordinality + 1 WHERE ordinality >= ? AND ordinality < ?",
"UPDATE note_list SET name = ?, description = ?, ordinality = ? WHERE id = ?",
newData.name, newData.description, newData.ordinality, id
return NoteList(id, newData.name, newData.ordinality, newData.description, []);
} |