module auth; import handy_httpd; import handy_httpd.handlers.filtered_handler; import jwt.jwt; import jwt.algorithms; import slf4d; import std.datetime; import std.json; import std.path; import std.file; import std.typecons; import data; void handleLogin(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { JSONValue loginData = ctx.request.readBodyAsJson(); if ("username" !in loginData.object || "password" !in loginData.object) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Invalid login request data. Expected username and password."); return; } string username = loginData.object["username"].str; infoF!"Got login request for user \"%s\"."(username); string password = loginData.object["password"].str; Nullable!User userNullable = userDataSource.getUser(username); if (userNullable.isNull) { infoF!"User \"%s\" doesn't exist."(username); sendUnauthenticatedResponse(ctx.response); return; } User user = userNullable.get(); import botan.passhash.bcrypt : checkBcrypt; if (!checkBcrypt(password, user.passwordHash)) { sendUnauthenticatedResponse(ctx.response); return; } JSONValue resp = JSONValue(string[string].init); resp.object["token"] = generateToken(user); ctx.response.writeBodyString(resp.toString(), "application/json"); } void renewToken(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { if (!validateAuthenticatedRequest(ctx)) return; AuthContext auth = AuthContextHolder.getOrThrow(); JSONValue resp = JSONValue(string[string].init); resp.object["token"] = generateToken(auth.user); ctx.response.writeBodyString(resp.toString(), "application/json"); } void createNewUser(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { JSONValue userData = ctx.request.readBodyAsJson(); string username = userData.object["username"].str; string email = userData.object["email"].str; string password = userData.object["password"].str; if (!userDataSource.getUser(username).isNull) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Username is taken."); return; } import botan.passhash.bcrypt : generateBcrypt; import botan.rng.auto_rng; RandomNumberGenerator rng = new AutoSeededRNG(); string passwordHash = generateBcrypt(password, rng, 12); userDataSource.createUser(username, email, passwordHash); } void getMyUser(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { if (!validateAuthenticatedRequest(ctx)) return; AuthContext auth = AuthContextHolder.getOrThrow(); JSONValue resp = JSONValue(string[string].init); resp.object["username"] = JSONValue(auth.user.username); resp.object["email"] = JSONValue(; ctx.response.writeBodyString(resp.toString(), "application/json"); } void deleteMyUser(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { if (!validateAuthenticatedRequest(ctx)) return; AuthContext auth = AuthContextHolder.getOrThrow(); userDataSource.deleteUser(auth.user.username); } private string generateToken(in User user) { Token token = new Token(JWTAlgorithm.HS512);"litelist-api");; + 5000);"litelist-api"); return token.encode("supersecret");// TODO: Extract secret. } private void sendUnauthenticatedResponse(ref HttpResponse resp) { resp.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); resp.writeBodyString("Invalid credentials."); } struct AuthContext { string token; User user; } class AuthContextHolder { private static AuthContextHolder instance; static getInstance() { if (!instance) instance = new AuthContextHolder(); return instance; } static reset() { auto i = getInstance(); i.authenticated = false; i.context = AuthContext.init; } static setContext(string token, User user) { auto i = getInstance(); i.authenticated = true; i.context = AuthContext(token, user); } static AuthContext getOrThrow() { auto i = getInstance(); if (!i.authenticated) throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "No authentication context."); return i.context; } private bool authenticated; private AuthContext context; } /** * Validates any request that should be authenticated with an access token, * and sets the AuthContextHolder's context if the user is authenticated. * Otherwise, sends an appropriate "unauthorized" response. * Params: * ctx = The request context to validate. * Returns: True if the user is authenticated, or false otherwise. */ bool validateAuthenticatedRequest(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) { immutable HEADER_NAME = "Authorization"; AuthContextHolder.reset(); if (!ctx.request.hasHeader(HEADER_NAME)) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Missing Authorization header."); return false; } string authHeader = ctx.request.getHeader(HEADER_NAME); if (authHeader.length < 7 || authHeader[0 .. 7] != "Bearer ") { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); ctx.response.writeBodyString("Invalid bearer token authorization header."); return false; } string rawToken = authHeader[7 .. $]; string username; try { Token token = verify(rawToken, "supersecret", [JWTAlgorithm.HS512]); username =; } catch (Exception e) { warn("Failed to verify user token.", e); throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid token."); } Nullable!User user = userDataSource.getUser(username); if (user.isNull) { ctx.response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED); ctx.response.writeBodyString("User does not exist."); return false; } AuthContextHolder.setContext(rawToken, user.get); return true; } class TokenFilter : HttpRequestFilter { void apply(ref HttpRequestContext ctx, FilterChain filterChain) { if (validateAuthenticatedRequest(ctx)) filterChain.doFilter(ctx); } }