module data; import handy_httpd; import d2sqlite3; import std.path; import std.file; import std.stdio; import std.typecons; import std.string; import std.json; static UserDataSource userDataSource; static this() { userDataSource = new FsSqliteDataSource(); import slf4d; import d2sqlite3.library; infoF!"Sqlite version %s"(versionString()); } struct User { string username; string email; string passwordHash; } struct NoteList { ulong id; string name; uint ordinality; string description; Note[] notes; } struct Note { ulong id; ulong noteListId; uint ordinality; string content; } interface UserDataSource { User createUser(string username, string email, string passwordHash); void deleteUser(string username); Nullable!User getUser(string username); NoteList[] getLists(string username); Nullable!NoteList getList(string username, ulong id); NoteList createNoteList(string username, string name, string description = null); void deleteNoteList(string username, ulong id); NoteList updateNoteList(string username, ulong id, NoteList newData); Note createNote(string username, ulong noteListId, string content); Note updateNote(string username, ulong id, Note newData); void deleteNote(string username, ulong id); } private immutable string USERS_DIR = "users"; private immutable string DATA_FILE = "user.json"; private immutable string DB_FILE = "notes.sqlite"; class FsSqliteDataSource : UserDataSource { User createUser(string username, string email, string passwordHash) { string dirPath = buildPath(USERS_DIR, username); if (exists(dirPath)) throw new Exception("User already has a directory."); mkdir(dirPath); string dataPath = buildPath(dirPath, DATA_FILE); JSONValue userObj = JSONValue(string[string].init); userObj.object["username"] = username; userObj.object["email"] = email; userObj.object["passwordHash"] = passwordHash; std.file.write(dataPath, userObj.toPrettyString()); // Set up a default list. NoteList defaultList = this.createNoteList(username, "Default", "Your default list of notes."); this.createNote(username,, "Here's an example note that was added to the Default list."); return User(username, email, passwordHash); } void deleteUser(string username) { string dirPath = buildPath(USERS_DIR, username); if (exists(dirPath)) rmdirRecurse(dirPath); } Nullable!User getUser(string username) { string dataPath = buildPath(USERS_DIR, username, DATA_FILE); if (exists(dataPath) && isFile(dataPath)) { JSONValue userObj = parseJSON(strip(readText(dataPath))); return nullable(User( userObj.object["username"].str, userObj.object["email"].str, userObj.object["passwordHash"].str )); } return Nullable!User.init; } NoteList[] getLists(string username) { Database db = getDb(username); ResultRange results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note_list ORDER BY ordinality ASC"); NoteList[] lists; foreach (Row row; results) { lists ~= parseNoteList(row); } // Now eager-fetch notes for each list. Statement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ? ORDER BY ordinality ASC"); foreach (ref list; lists) { stmt.bind(1,; ResultRange noteResult = stmt.execute(); foreach (row; noteResult) list.notes ~= parseNote(row); stmt.reset(); } return lists; } Nullable!NoteList getList(string username, ulong id) { Database db = getDb(username); ResultRange results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id); if (results.empty()) return Nullable!NoteList.init; NoteList list = parseNoteList(results.front()); ResultRange noteResults = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ? ORDER BY ordinality ASC", id); foreach (Row row; noteResults) { list.notes ~= parseNote(row); } return nullable(list); } NoteList createNoteList(string username, string name, string description = null) { Database db = getDb(username); Statement existsStatement = db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM note_list WHERE name = ?"); existsStatement.bind(1, name); ResultRange existsResult = existsStatement.execute(); if (existsResult.oneValue!int() > 0) { throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "List already exists."); } Nullable!uint ordResult = db.execute("SELECT MAX(ordinality) + 1 FROM note_list").oneValue!(Nullable!uint); uint ordinality = 0; if (!ordResult.isNull) ordinality = ordResult.get(); Statement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO note_list (name, ordinality, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); stmt.bind(1, name); stmt.bind(2, ordinality); stmt.bind(3, description); stmt.execute(); return NoteList(db.lastInsertRowid(), name, ordinality, description, []); } void deleteNoteList(string username, ulong id) { Database db = getDb(username); db.begin(); db.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ?", id); Nullable!uint ordinality = db.execute( "SELECT ordinality FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id ).oneValue!(Nullable!uint)(); db.execute("DELETE FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id); if (!ordinality.isNull) { db.execute("UPDATE note_list SET ordinality = ordinality - 1 WHERE ordinality > ?", ordinality.get); } db.commit(); } NoteList updateNoteList(string username, ulong id, NoteList newData) { Database db = getDb(username); ResultRange result = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note_list WHERE id = ?", id); if (result.empty()) throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); NoteList list = parseNoteList(result.front()); db.begin(); if (list.ordinality != newData.ordinality) { if (newData.ordinality > list.ordinality) { // Decrement all lists between the old index and the new one. db.execute( "UPDATE note_list SET ordinality = ordinality - 1 WHERE ordinality > ? AND ordinality <= ?", list.ordinality, newData.ordinality ); } else { // Increment all lists between the old index and the new one. db.execute( "UPDATE note_list SET ordinality = ordinality + 1 WHERE ordinality >= ? AND ordinality < ?", newData.ordinality, list.ordinality ); } } db.execute( "UPDATE note_list SET name = ?, description = ?, ordinality = ? WHERE id = ?",, newData.description, newData.ordinality, id ); db.commit(); return NoteList(id,, newData.ordinality, newData.description, []); } Note createNote(string username, ulong noteListId, string content) { Database db = getDb(username); Statement ordStmt = db.prepare("SELECT MAX(ordinality) + 1 FROM note WHERE note_list_id = ?"); ordStmt.bind(1, noteListId); Nullable!uint ordResult = ordStmt.execute().oneValue!(Nullable!uint); uint ordinality = 0; if (!ordResult.isNull) ordinality = ordResult.get(); Statement insertStmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO note (note_list_id, ordinality, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); insertStmt.bind(1, noteListId); insertStmt.bind(2, ordinality); insertStmt.bind(3, content); insertStmt.execute(); return Note( db.lastInsertRowid(), noteListId, ordinality, content ); } Note updateNote(string username, ulong id, Note newData) { Database db = getDb(username); ResultRange result = db.execute("SELECT * FROM note WHERE id = ?", id); if (result.empty()) throw new HttpStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); Note note = parseNote(result.front()); db.begin(); if (note.ordinality != newData.ordinality) { if (newData.ordinality > note.ordinality) { // Decrement all notes between the old index and the new one. db.execute( "UPDATE note SET ordinality = ordinality - 1 WHERE ordinality > ? AND ordinality <= ?", note.ordinality, newData.ordinality ); } else { // Increment all notes between the old index and the new one. db.execute( "UPDATE note SET ordinality = ordinality + 1 WHERE ordinality >= ? AND ordinality < ?", newData.ordinality, note.ordinality ); } } db.execute( "UPDATE note SET ordinality = ?, content = ? WHERE id = ?", newData.ordinality, newData.content, id ); db.commit(); return Note(id, note.noteListId, newData.ordinality, newData.content); } void deleteNote(string username, ulong id) { Database db = getDb(username); db.begin(); Nullable!uint ordinality = db.execute( "SELECT ordinality FROM note WHERE id = ?", id ).oneValue!(Nullable!uint)(); db.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE id = ?", id); if (!ordinality.isNull) { db.execute("UPDATE note SET ordinality = ordinality - 1 WHERE ordinality > ?", ordinality.get); } db.commit(); } private NoteList parseNoteList(Row row) { NoteList list; = row["id"].as!ulong; = row["name"].as!string; list.ordinality = row["ordinality"].as!uint; list.description = row["description"].as!string; return list; } private Note parseNote(Row row) { Note note; = row["id"].as!ulong; note.noteListId = row["note_list_id"].as!ulong; note.ordinality = row["ordinality"].as!uint; note.content = row["content"].as!string; return note; } private Database getDb(string username) { string dbPath = buildPath(USERS_DIR, username, DB_FILE); if (!exists(dbPath)) initDb(dbPath); return Database(dbPath); } private void initDb(string path) { if (exists(path)) std.file.remove(path); Database db = Database(path);"SQL CREATE TABLE note_list ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, ordinality INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, description TEXT NULL ); CREATE TABLE note ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, note_list_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ordinality INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, content TEXT NOT NULL ); SQL" ); db.close(); } }