module ingest; import std.file; import std.stdio; import std.path; import std.algorithm; import std.string; import std.typecons; import filesizes; import progress; private struct IngestData { DirEntry[] filesToCopy; ulong totalFileSize() { return!(f => f.size).sum; } size_t fileCount() { return filesToCopy.length; } } /** * Determines if we should copy a given file from the media card to the local * directory. * Params: * entry = The entry for the file at its source. * targetFile = The place to copy the file to. * force = Whether the force flag has been set. * Returns: True if we should copy the file, or false otherwise. */ private bool shouldCopyFile(DirEntry entry, string targetFile, bool force) { return entry.isFile() && (".MP4") ||".WAV")) && (!exists(targetFile) || getSize(targetFile) != entry.size || force); } private IngestData discoverIngestData(string sourceDir, string targetDir, bool force) { IngestData data; foreach (DirEntry entry; dirEntries(sourceDir, SpanMode.shallow)) { string targetFile = buildPath(targetDir, baseName(; if (shouldCopyFile(entry, targetFile, force)) { data.filesToCopy ~= entry; } } return data; } /** * Copies files from a source to a target directory. * Params: * sourceDir = The source directory. * targetDir = The target directory. * bufferSize = The buffer size to use when copying. * force = Whether to overwrite existing files. * dryRun = Whether to perform a dry-run. * Returns: An exit code. */ public int copyFiles(string sourceDir, string targetDir, size_t bufferSize, bool force, bool dryRun) { IngestData ingestData = discoverIngestData(sourceDir, targetDir, force); if (ingestData.fileCount == 0) { writeln("No new files to copy."); return 0; } if (getAvailableDiskSpace(targetDir) < ingestData.totalFileSize) { writefln!"Not enough disk space to copy all files: %s available, %s needed."( formatFilesize(getAvailableDiskSpace(targetDir)), formatFilesize(ingestData.totalFileSize) ); return 1; } writefln!"Copying %d files (%s) to %s."(ingestData.fileCount, formatFilesize(ingestData.totalFileSize), targetDir); if (dryRun) writeln("(Dry Run)"); if (!exists(targetDir) && !dryRun) mkdirRecurse(targetDir); Bar progressBar = new FillingSquaresBar(); progressBar.width = 80; progressBar.max = ingestData.totalFileSize; progressBar.start(); ubyte[] buffer = new ubyte[bufferSize]; foreach (DirEntry entry; ingestData.filesToCopy) { string filename = baseName(; string targetFile = buildPath(targetDir, filename); string verb = exists(targetFile) ? "Overwriting" : "Copying"; progressBar.message = { return std.string.format!"%s %s (%s)"(verb, filename, formatFilesize(entry.size)); }; if (!dryRun) { File inputFile = File(, "rb"); File outputFile = File(targetFile, "wb"); foreach (ubyte[] localBuffer; inputFile.byChunk(buffer)) { outputFile.rawWrite(localBuffer);; } } else {; } } progressBar.finish(); return 0; }