import utils; import ingest; int main(string[] args) { printBanner(); CliResult result = parseArgs(args); if (result.type == CliResultType.NO_CONTENT) { return 0; } else if (result.type == CliResultType.MISSING_MEDIA) { return 1; } else { return copyFiles(result.config); } } unittest { // First some utilities to make the tests simpler. import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.path; import std.algorithm; import std.string; import utils; struct DirView { DirEntry[] entries; } DirView getDirView(string dir) { DirView view; foreach (DirEntry entry; dirEntries(dir, SpanMode.shallow)) { view.entries ~= entry; } view.entries.sort!((a, b) => >; return view; } int callApp(string[] args ...) { return main(["app"] ~ args); } string getBaseCardDir(string name) { return buildPath("test", "media-cards", "card-" ~ name); } string getTestCardDir(string name) { return buildPath("test", "media-cards", "card-test-" ~ name); } void assertCardsUnchanged(string[] cards ...) { foreach (string card; cards) { string baseDir = getBaseCardDir(card); string testDir = getTestCardDir(card); if (exists(testDir)) { assert(getDirView(baseDir) == getDirView(testDir)); } } } void prepareCardTests(string[] cards ...) { foreach (string card; cards) { copyDir(getBaseCardDir(card), getTestCardDir(card)); } } void cleanupCardTests(string[] cards ...) { foreach (string card; cards) { rmdirRecurse(getTestCardDir(card)); } } string[] allCards = ["1", "2", "3"]; prepareCardTests(allCards); writeln(isDir(getBaseCardDir("1"))); assert(callApp("-h") == 0); assertCardsUnchanged(allCards); assert(callApp("--help") == 0); assertCardsUnchanged(allCards); assert(callApp("-f", "-h") == 0); assertCardsUnchanged(allCards); // Ingesting from an empty card shouldn't have any effect. assert(callApp("-i", getTestCardDir("1")) == 0); assertCardsUnchanged("1"); }