27 lines
736 B
27 lines
736 B
* This standalone module is responsible for cleaning up the list of stored
* extracts, so only the recent ones remain. This is meant to be linked as a
* cron scheduled program.
module cleaner;
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.path;
import std.datetime;
const EXTRACTS_DIR = "extracts";
int main() {
if (!exists(EXTRACTS_DIR)) return 0;
immutable SysTime now = Clock.currTime();
foreach (DirEntry entry; dirEntries(EXTRACTS_DIR, SpanMode.shallow, false)) {
Duration age = now - entry.timeLastModified();
if (age.total!"days" > 5) {
writefln!"Removing directory %s because it's too old."(entry.name);
return 0;