--[[ Stations are kiosks where users can configure their portable computer for a particular route to another station. You should add a "station_config.tbl" file containing: { name = "stationname", displayName = "Station Name", range = 8 } ]]-- local modem = peripheral.wrap("top") or error("Missing top modem") local BROADCAST_CHANNEL = 45451 local RECEIVE_CHANNEL = 45452 modem.open(RECEIVE_CHANNEL) local function readConfig() local f = io.open("station_config.tbl", "r") if not f then error("Missing station_config.tbl") end local cfg = textutils.unserialize(f:read("*a")) f:close() return cfg end local function broadcastName(config) while true do modem.transmit(BROADCAST_CHANNEL, BROADCAST_CHANNEL, config.name) os.sleep(1) end end local function handleRequests(config) while true do local event, side, channel, replyChannel, msg, dist = os.pullEvent("modem_message") if channel == RECEIVE_CHANNEL and dist <= config.range then if msg == "GET_ROUTES" then modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, config.routes) print(textutils.formatTime(os.time()).." Sent routes to "..replyChannel) end end end end local config = readConfig() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) print("Running station transponder for \""..config.name.."\".") print(" Display Name: "..config.displayName) print(" Range: "..config.range.." blocks") print(" Routes:") for i, route in pairs(config.routes) do local pathStr = "" for j, segment in pairs(route.path) do pathStr = pathStr .. segment if j < #route.path then pathStr = pathStr .. "," end end print(" "..i..". "..route.name..": "..pathStr) end parallel.waitForAll( function() broadcastName(config) end, function() handleRequests(config) end )