#!/usr/bin/rdmd /** * This module takes the main parent POM's version, and applies it to all child * modules. * * While you can run this with `./setversion.d`, it's faster if you compile * with `dmd setversion.d` and then just run `./setversion`. */ module setversion; import std.stdio; import std.file : write, readText; void main() { string newVersion = getMainVersion(); writefln!"Setting all modules to version %s"(newVersion); string[] files = ["client/pom.xml", "core/pom.xml", "server/pom.xml"]; foreach (pomFile; files) { string xml = replaceVersion(readText(pomFile), newVersion); write(pomFile, xml); writefln!"Updated %s to version %s"(pomFile, newVersion); } } string getMainVersion() { import std.file : readText; import std.regex; auto versionRegex = ctRegex!(`(\S+)<\/version>`); auto c = matchFirst(readText("pom.xml"), versionRegex); return c[1]; } string replaceVersion(string xml, string newVersion) { import std.regex; import std.string : strip, indexOf; auto versionRegex = ctRegex!(`[\s\S]*(\S+)<\/version>[\s\S]*<\/parent>`); auto c = matchFirst(xml, versionRegex); if (!c.empty) { string currentVersion = c[1]; auto hitIndex = c.hit.indexOf(currentVersion); string prefix = xml[0 .. c.pre.length + hitIndex]; string suffix = xml[c.pre.length + hitIndex + currentVersion.length .. $]; return prefix ~ newVersion ~ suffix; } return xml; }