# AOS-2 Network Protocol This document describes the network protocol used by Ace of Shades 2 for server-client communication. All communications, whether they be UDP or TCP, use the [record-net](https://github.com/andrewlalis/record-net) library for sending packets as serialized records. When referring to the names of packets, we will assume a common package name of `nl.andrewl.aos_core.net`. ### Player Connection This workflow is involved in the establishment of a connection between the client and server. 1. Player sends a `ConnectRequestMessage` via TCP, immediately upon opening a socket connection. It contains the player's desired `username`. 2. The server will respond with either a `ConnectRejectMessage` with a `reason` for the rejection, or a `ConnectAcceptMessage` containing the client's `clientId`. 3. If the player received an acceptance message, they will then send a `DatagramInit` to the server's UDP socket (on the same address/port) containing the `clientId` received in the `ConnectAcceptMessage`. The player should keep sending such an init message until they receive a `DatagramInit` message echoed back as a response. The player should then stop sending init messages, and expect to begin receiving normal communication data through the datagram socket. ### World Data A combination of TCP and UDP communication is used to ensure that all connected clients have the latest information about the state of the world. Initially when the player connects to a server, the server will begin sending `ChunkDataMessage` packets via TCP to the player, with the full chunk data of an individual chunk. If, during the course of a game tick, a chunk is updated, at the end of the tick, a `ChunkUpdateMessage` message is sent which provides the coordinates and new block data for a block in a chunk. A player should regularly send a `ChunkHashMessage` to the server that contains a hash of a certain chunk, to verify that the player's chunk data matches the server's. The server will send a `ChunkDataMessage` if the player's hash is incorrect and the player should replace their chunk data.