module services; import std.process; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.typecons; import core.thread; struct ServiceInfo { string name; string[] dependencies; string workingDir; string startupCommand; } const SERVICES = [ ServiceInfo( "api", ["docker-deps"], "../gymboard-api", "./gen_keys.d && ./mvnw spring-boot:run" ), ServiceInfo( "cdn", [], "../gymboard-cdn", "./mvnw spring-boot:run" ), ServiceInfo( "search", ["docker-deps"], "../gymboard-search", "./mvnw spring-boot:run" ), ServiceInfo( "app", [], "../gymboard-app", "npm install && quasar dev" ), ServiceInfo( "docker-deps", [], "../", "docker-compose up" ) ]; Nullable!(const(ServiceInfo)) getServiceByName(string name) { static foreach (service; SERVICES) { if ( == name) return nullable(service); } return Nullable!(const(ServiceInfo)).init; } struct ServiceStatus { string name; bool running; Nullable!int exitCode; } class ServiceManager { private ServiceRunner[string] serviceRunners; public Tuple!(bool, "started", string, "msg") startService(string name) { auto info = getServiceByName(name); if (info.isNull) return tuple!("started", "msg")(false, "Invalid service name."); const ServiceInfo service = info.get(); if ( !in serviceRunners || !serviceRunners[].isRunning) { // Start all dependencies first. foreach (string depName; service.dependencies) { auto result = startService(depName); if (!result.started) { return tuple!("started", "msg")( false, format!"Couldn't start dependency \"%s\": %s"(depName, result.msg) ); } } // Then start the process. writefln!"Starting service: %s"(; ProcessPipes pipes = pipeShell( service.startupCommand, Redirect.all, null, Config.none, service.workingDir ); ServiceRunner runner = new ServiceRunner(pipes); runner.start(); serviceRunners[] = runner; return tuple!("started", "msg")(true, "Service started."); } return tuple!("started", "msg")(true, "Service already running."); } public Tuple!(bool, "stopped", string, "msg") stopService(string name) { auto info = getServiceByName(name); if (info.isNull) return tuple!("stopped", "msg")(false, "Invalid service name."); const ServiceInfo service = info.get(); if ( in serviceRunners && serviceRunners[].isRunning) { int exitStatus = serviceRunners[].stopService(); return tuple!("stopped", "msg")( true, format!"Service exited with status %d."(exitStatus) ); } return tuple!("stopped", "msg")(true, "Service already stopped."); } public void stopAll() { foreach (name, runner; serviceRunners) { runner.stopService(); } } public ServiceStatus[] getStatus() { ServiceStatus[] statuses; foreach (name, runner; serviceRunners) { statuses ~= ServiceStatus(name, runner.isRunning, runner.exitStatus); } return statuses; } } class ServiceRunner : Thread { private Pid processId; private File processStdin; private File processStdout; private File processStderr; public Nullable!int exitStatus; public this(ProcessPipes pipes) { super(&; this.processId =; this.processStdin = pipes.stdin(); this.processStdout = pipes.stdout(); this.processStderr = pipes.stderr(); } private void run() { Tuple!(bool, "terminated", int, "status") result = tryWait(this.processId); while (!result.terminated) { Thread.sleep(msecs(1000)); result = tryWait(this.processId); } this.exitStatus = result.status; } public int stopService() { version(Posix) { import core.sys.posix.signal : SIGTERM; kill(this.processId, SIGTERM); } else version(Windows) { kill(this.processId); } return wait(this.processId); } }