module command.base; import consolecolors; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.uni; interface CliCommand { void handle(string[] args); string name() const; string description() const; } class CliHandler { private CliCommand[string] commands; private bool exitRequested = false; this() { commands["help"] = new HelpCommand(this); commands["exit"] = new ExitCommand(this); } void register(string name, CliCommand command) { this.commands[name.strip().toLower()] = command; } void readAndHandleCommand() { string[] commandAndArgs = readln().strip().split!isWhite(); if (commandAndArgs.length == 0) return; string command = commandAndArgs[0].toLower(); if (command in commands) { commands[command].handle(commandAndArgs.length > 1 ? commandAndArgs[1 .. $] : []); } else { cwritefln("Unknown command: %s".red,; } } void setExitRequested() { this.exitRequested = true; } bool isExitRequested() const { return this.exitRequested; } CliCommand[string] getCommands() { return this.commands; } } class HelpCommand : CliCommand { private CliHandler handler; this(CliHandler handler) { this.handler = handler; } void handle(string[] args) { import std.algorithm; cwriteln("Gymboard CLI Help: Information about how to use this program."); string[] commandNames = this.handler.getCommands().keys; sort(commandNames); uint longestCommandNameLength =!(n => cast(uint) n.length).maxElement; foreach (name; commandNames) { CliCommand command = this.handler.getCommands()[name]; string formattedName = cyan(leftJustify(name, longestCommandNameLength + 1, ' ')); cwriteln(formattedName, command.description().grey); } } string name() const { return "help"; } string description() const { return "Shows help information."; } } class ExitCommand : CliCommand { private CliHandler handler; this(CliHandler handler) { this.handler = handler; } void handle(string[] args) { this.handler.setExitRequested(); } string name() const { return "exit"; } string description() const { return "Exits the CLI, gracefully stopping any services or running jobs."; } }