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acceptAllNewClients - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
addChannel(Channel) - Method in class
addChannel(ConcordServer, String[]) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ChannelCommand
addClient(ClientThread) - Method in class
Adds a client to this channel.
AuthenticationService - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.client
This authentication service provides support for managing the client's authentication status, such as registering new clients, generating tokens, and logging in.
AuthenticationService(ConcordServer, NitriteCollection) - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
authService - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
The service to use to authenticate incoming connections.


broadcast(Message) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Sends a message to every connected client, ignoring any channels.


Channel - Class in
Represents a single communication area in which messages are sent by clients and received by all connected clients.
Channel(ConcordServer, UUID, String) - Constructor for class
ChannelCommand - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command
Command for interacting with channels on the server.
ChannelCommand() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ChannelCommand
ChannelConfig() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig.ChannelConfig
channelIdMap - Variable in class
channelManager - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Manager that handles the collection of channels in this server.
ChannelManager - Class in
This manager is responsible for keeping track of all the channels in the server, and controlling modifications to them.
ChannelManager(ConcordServer) - Constructor for class
ChannelMoveHandler - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.event
Handles client requests to move to another channel.
ChannelMoveHandler() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChannelMoveHandler
channelNameMap - Variable in class
channels - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
ChatHandler - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.event
This handler is responsible for taking incoming chat messages and saving them to the channel's message collection, and then relaying the new message to all clients in the channel.
ChatHandler() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHandler
chatHistoryDefaultCount - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
chatHistoryMaxCount - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
ChatHistoryRequestHandler - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.event
Handles client requests for sections of chat history for a particular channel.
ChatHistoryRequestHandler() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHistoryRequestHandler
ClientConnectionData - Record Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.client
Some common data that's used when dealing with a client who has just joined the server.
ClientConnectionData(UUID, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Creates an instance of a ClientConnectionData record class.
clientId - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
clientManager - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Manager that handles the collection of clients connected to this server.
ClientManager - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.client
The client manager is responsible for managing the set of clients connected to a server.
ClientManager(ConcordServer) - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Constructs a new client manager for the given server.
clientNickname - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
clients - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
The set of connected clients, mapped by their id.
ClientThread - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.client
This thread is responsible for handling the connection to a single client of a server.
ClientThread(Socket, ConcordServer) - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
Constructs a new client thread.
CollectionUtils - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.util
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.CollectionUtils
commands - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.ServerCli
compareTo(Channel) - Method in class
concord_server - module concord_server
ConcordServer - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server
The main server implementation, which handles accepting new clients.
ConcordServer() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
config - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Server configuration data.
config - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.DiscoveryServerPublisher
CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
The path to this server's configuration file.
connectedClients - Variable in class
The set of clients that are connected to this channel.
currentChannel - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread


DATABASE_FILE - Static variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
The path to this server's database file.
db - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
The database that contains all messages and other server information.
decidePendingUser(UUID, boolean, String) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Used to accept or reject a pending user's registration.
defaultChannel - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
description - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig.ChannelConfig
description - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
discoveryServerPublisher - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
DiscoveryServerPublisher - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server
This component is responsible for publishing the server's metadata to any discovery servers that have been defined in the server's configuration file.
DiscoveryServerPublisher(ServerConfig) - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.DiscoveryServerPublisher
discoveryServers - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig


ensureIndexes(NitriteCollection, Map<String, IndexType>) - Static method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.CollectionUtils
Ensures that the given nitrite collection has exactly the given set of indexes.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
establishEncryption() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
Tries to establish an encrypted connection with a client.
eventManager - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Manager that handles incoming messages and events by clients.
EventManager - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.event
The event manager is responsible for the server's ability to respond to various client requests.
EventManager(ConcordServer) - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.EventManager
executorService - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
A general-purpose executor service that can be used to submit async tasks.


filePath - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
The path at which this config is stored.
findAndAuthenticateUser(ClientLogin) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
findAndAuthenticateUser(ClientSessionResume) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService


generateSessionToken(UUID) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
getAsTag() - Method in class
getChannelById(UUID) - Method in class
getChannelByName(String) - Method in class
getChannels() - Method in class
getClientById(UUID) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Tries to find a connected client with the given id.
getConnectedClients() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
getConnectedIds() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
getDefaultChannel() - Method in class
getMetaData() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
getOrDefault(Map<String, String>, String, Long) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHistoryRequestHandler
Helper method to get a long value or fall back to a default.
getPendingClientById(UUID) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Tries to find a pending client with the given id.
getPendingClients() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
getPrivateChannel(Set<UUID>) - Method in class
Gets or creates a private channel for the given client ids to be able to communicate together.
getPrivateChannel(UUID, UUID) - Method in class
Gets a private channel, given the id of a client who is part of the channel, and the id of the channel.
getPrivateChannelFromDatabase(Set<UUID>) - Method in class
Gets and instantiates a private channel from information stored in the "private-channels" collection of the database, or creates it if it does not exist yet.
getResponse(Channel, long, Long, Long) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHistoryRequestHandler
Gets a response for a standard chat history request, using a standard set of parameters.
getUserData() - Method in class
Gets a list of information about each user in this channel.


handle(MoveToChannel, ClientThread, ConcordServer) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChannelMoveHandler
handle(ChatHistoryRequest, ClientThread, ConcordServer) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHistoryRequestHandler
handle(Chat, ClientThread, ConcordServer) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHandler
handle(ConcordServer, String[]) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ChannelCommand
handle(ConcordServer, String[]) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ListClientsCommand
handle(ConcordServer, String[]) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.StopCommand
handle(ConcordServer, String[]) - Method in interface nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.ServerCliCommand
handle(T, ClientThread) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.EventManager
Handles a new message that was sent from a client.
handle(T, ClientThread, ConcordServer) - Method in interface nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.MessageHandler
handleIdRequest(ClientThread, Channel, String) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHistoryRequestHandler
Handles a request for a single message from a channel.
handleLogin(ClientLogin, ClientThread) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Handles an attempt by a new client to login as an existing user to the server.
handleLogOut(UUID) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
De-registers a client from the server, removing them from any channel they're currently in.
handleRegistration(ClientRegistration, ClientThread) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Handles an attempt by a new client to register as a user for this server.
handleSessionResume(ClientSessionResume, ClientThread) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Handles an attempt by a new client to login as an existing user to the server with a session token from their previous session.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
httpClient - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.DiscoveryServerPublisher


id - Variable in class
id - Variable in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
The field for the id record component.
id - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig.ChannelConfig
id() - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Returns the value of the id record component.
identifyClient() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
Initial method that attempts to obtain identification information from a newly-connected client.
idProvider - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
The component that generates new user and channel ids.
IdProvider - Interface in nl.andrewl.concord_server.util
in - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
initializeClientConnection(ClientConnectionData, ClientThread) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Standard flow for initializing a connection to a client who has already sent their identification message, and that has been checked to be valid.
initializePendingClientConnection(UUID, String, ClientThread) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
Initializes a connection to a client whose registration is pending, thus they should simply keep their connection alive, and receive a RegistrationStatus.Type.PENDING message, instead of a ServerWelcome.
InvalidIdentificationException - Exception in nl.andrewl.concord_server.client
Exception that's thrown when a client's identification information is invalid.
InvalidIdentificationException(String) - Constructor for exception nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.InvalidIdentificationException
isRunning() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer


listChannels(ConcordServer) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ChannelCommand
ListClientsCommand - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command
This command shows a list of all clients that are currently connected to the server.
ListClientsCommand() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ListClientsCommand
loadOrCreate(Path, IdProvider) - Static method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig


main(String[]) - Static method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
mapper - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.DiscoveryServerPublisher
maxMessageLength - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
messageCollection - Variable in class
A document collection which holds all messages created in this channel, indexed on id, timestamp, message, and sender's username.
MessageHandler<T extends nl.andrewl.concord_core.msg.Message> - Interface in nl.andrewl.concord_server.event
Defines a component which can handle messages of a certain type which were received from a client.
messageHandlers - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.EventManager
moveToChannel(ClientThread, Channel) - Method in class
Moves a client to the given channel.


name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig.ChannelConfig
name - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
newClient - Variable in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
The field for the newClient record component.
newClient() - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Returns the value of the newClient record component.
newId() - Method in interface nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.IdProvider
newId() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.UUIDProvider
nl.andrewl.concord_server - package nl.andrewl.concord_server - package
nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli - package nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli
nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command - package nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command
nl.andrewl.concord_server.client - package nl.andrewl.concord_server.client
nl.andrewl.concord_server.config - package nl.andrewl.concord_server.config
nl.andrewl.concord_server.event - package nl.andrewl.concord_server.event
nl.andrewl.concord_server.util - package nl.andrewl.concord_server.util


out - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread


pendingClients - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
The set of connected pending clients, mapped by their id.
port - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
privateChannelCollection - Variable in class
privateChannels - Variable in class
publish() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.DiscoveryServerPublisher


random(int) - Static method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.StringUtils
read(Document) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.ChatHistoryRequestHandler
Helper method to read a Chat from a document retrieved from a collection.
registerNewClient(ClientRegistration) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
registerPendingClient(ClientRegistration) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class
removeChannel(ConcordServer, String[]) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.ChannelCommand
removeClient(ClientThread) - Method in class
Removes a client from this channel.
removeExpiredSessionTokens() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
run() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.ServerCli
run() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
run() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
running - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
running - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Running flag that's used to signal this server's thread to shutdown.


save() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
scheduledExecutorService - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class
Sends a message to all clients that are currently connected to this channel.
sendToClient(byte[]) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
Sends the given bytes to the client.
sendToClient(Message) - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
Sends the given message to the client.
serializer - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
A utility serializer that's mostly used when preparing a message to broadcast to a set of users, which is more efficient than having each individual client thread serialize the same message before sending it.
server - Variable in class
server - Variable in class
server - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.ServerCli
server - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
server - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
A reference to the server that this client manager is for.
server - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
server - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.event.EventManager
ServerCli - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli
Simple command-line interface that's available when running the server.
ServerCli(ConcordServer) - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.ServerCli
ServerCliCommand - Interface in nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli
ServerConfig - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.config
ServerConfig() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.config.ServerConfig
ServerConfig.ChannelConfig - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.config
serverSocket - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
This server's socket, used to accept new client connections.
sessionToken - Variable in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
The field for the sessionToken record component.
sessionToken() - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Returns the value of the sessionToken record component.
sessionTokenCollection - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
shutdown() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
Shuts down this client thread, closing the underlying socket and setting ClientThread.running to false so that the main thread loop will exit shortly.
shutdown() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Shuts down the server cleanly by doing the following things: Disconnecting all clients. Shutting down any executor services. Flushing and compacting the message database. Flushing the server configuration one last time.
socket - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
stop() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.ConcordServer
Stops the server.
StopCommand - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command
This command forcibly stops the server, disconnecting any clients.
StopCommand() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.cli.command.StopCommand
StringUtils - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.util
StringUtils() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.StringUtils


toData() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientThread


userCollection - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.AuthenticationService
userCollection - Variable in class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientManager
The nitrite collection containing user data.
username - Variable in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
The field for the username record component.
username() - Method in record class nl.andrewl.concord_server.client.ClientConnectionData
Returns the value of the username record component.
UUIDProvider - Class in nl.andrewl.concord_server.util
UUIDProvider() - Constructor for class nl.andrewl.concord_server.util.UUIDProvider
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form