#!/usr/local/bin/rdmd /** * Simple wrapper program for managing the various solutions. Each solution is * defined as a single D source file in `src/sX.d`, where `X` is the number of * the solution. All executables are placed in a `bin/` directory. * * This script can be executed standalone via `./runner.d`, provided that you * have given the script the execution privilege (usually with `chmod +x runner.d`). * * It offers the following capabilities: * - `./runner.d clean` removes all compiled binaries. * - `./runner.d run [all | solution...]` Runs one or more solutions. * - `./runner.d create ` Creates a new solution source file. */ module runner; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.process; import std.file; import std.path; import std.regex; import std.algorithm; import std.digest.md; import std.base64; int main(string[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { // By default, run the script with different behavior depending on what's available. string[] runArgs = []; string lastSolutionFilePath = buildPath("bin", "last-solution.txt"); if (exists(lastSolutionFilePath)) { string solution = readText(lastSolutionFilePath).strip(); if (exists(buildPath("bin", solution)) && exists(buildPath("src", solution ~ ".d"))) { writeln("Running the last solution that was previously ran."); runArgs = [solution]; } } return run(runArgs); } else { string command = args[1].strip().toLower(); if (command == "clean") { clean(); return 0; } else if (command == "run") { return run(args[2 .. $]); } else if (command == "create") { return create(args[2 .. $]); } else { writefln!"Unknown command: \"%s\". Should be one of: clean | run [solution...]"(command); return 1; } } } /** * Removes all files from the `bin/` directory, which forces recompilation of * any solutions. */ void clean() { if (!exists("bin")) return; foreach (entry; dirEntries("bin", SpanMode.shallow, false)) { if (isFile(entry.name)) { writefln!"Removing file %s"(entry.name); std.file.remove(entry.name); } else if (isDir(entry.name)) { writefln!"Removing directory %s"(entry.name); rmdirRecurse(entry.name); } } } /** * Runs one or more solutions, compiling them if needed. * Params: * args = The arguments provided to this command. * Returns: A program exit code. */ int run(string[] args) { string[] solutionsToRun; if (args.length == 0 || args[0].strip().toLower() == "all") { auto r = ctRegex!(`^(s\d+)\.d$`); foreach (entry; dirEntries("src", SpanMode.shallow, false)) { auto c = matchFirst(baseName(entry.name), r); if (c) solutionsToRun ~= c[1]; } } else { foreach (arg; args) { string solutionName = arg; if (!solutionName.startsWith("s")) solutionName = "s" ~ solutionName; if (solutionName.endsWith(".d")) solutionName = solutionName[0 .. $ - 2]; string filePath = buildPath("src", solutionName ~ ".d"); if (!exists(filePath)) { writefln!"The solution at %s doesn't exist."(filePath); return 1; } solutionsToRun ~= solutionName; } } if (solutionsToRun.length == 0) { writeln("No solutions to run."); return 0; } solutionsToRun.sort(); foreach (solution; solutionsToRun) { bool canRun = true; if (isSolutionRecompileNeeded(solution)) { writefln!"Recompiling solution %s..."(solution); int result = compileSolution(solution); if (result != 0) canRun = false; } if (canRun) { runSolution(solution); } } return 0; } /** * Checks if a solution needs to be (re)compiled before it's run. This is the * case when the executable doesn't exist, or the hash of the solution source * doesn't match the hash of the current source. * Params: * solution = The solution to check. * Returns: True if we should recompile the solution. */ bool isSolutionRecompileNeeded(string solution) { string solutionFilePath = buildPath("src", solution ~ ".d"); string hashFilePath = buildPath("bin", solution ~ "-hash.md5"); string executablePath = buildPath("bin", solution); if (!exists(hashFilePath) || !exists(executablePath)) return true; ubyte[] storedHash = Base64.decode(readText(hashFilePath).strip()); ubyte[16] currentHash = md5Of(readText(solutionFilePath)); return storedHash != currentHash; } /** * Compiles a solution using `dmd`, and includes an MD5 hash of the source in * the `bin/` directory alongside the executable. * Params: * solution = The solution to compile. * Returns: 0 on success, or 1 on failure. */ int compileSolution(string solution) { string solutionFilePath = buildPath("src", solution ~ ".d"); string hashFilePath = buildPath("bin", solution ~ "-hash.md5"); if (!exists("bin")) mkdir("bin"); ubyte[16] hash = md5Of(readText(solutionFilePath)); std.file.write(hashFilePath, Base64.encode(hash)); string utilFilePath = buildPath("src", "util.d"); string outputFilePath = buildPath("bin", solution); string cmd = format!"dmd %s %s -inline -O -of=%s"(utilFilePath, solutionFilePath, outputFilePath); auto result = executeShell(cmd); if (result.status != 0) { writefln!"Failed to compile solution %s, exit code %d:\n%s"(solution, result.status, result.output); return 1; } return 0; } /** * Executes a solution, using this script's current working directory as the * directory for the process, and inheriting all IO streams. * Params: * solution = The solution to run. */ void runSolution(string solution) { string processPath = buildPath("bin", solution); writefln!"-----< %s >-----\n"(solution); Pid pid = spawnProcess(processPath); int result = wait(pid); writefln!"\n-----< %s >-----\n"(solution); if (result != 0) { writefln!"Solution %s failed with exit code %d."(solution, result); } std.file.write(buildPath("bin", "last-solution.txt"), solution); } /** * Creates a new solution source file. * Params: * args = The command line arguments. * Returns: An exit code. */ int create(string[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { writeln("Missing required solution name."); return 1; } string solution = args[0].strip().toLower(); auto r = ctRegex!(`^s\d+$`); auto c = matchFirst(solution, r); if (!c) { writefln!"Solution name \"%s\" is not valid. Should be \"s\\d+\"."(solution); return 1; } string filePath = buildPath("src", solution ~ ".d"); bool force = args.length >= 2 && args[1].strip().toLower() == "-f"; if (exists(filePath) && !force) { writefln!"Solution \"%s\" already exists."(solution); return 1; } File f = File(filePath, "w"); f.writefln!"module %s;"(solution); f.writeln("import util;"); f.writeln(); f.writefln!"void main(string[] args) {\n writeln(\"Hello from %s\");\n}"(solution); f.close(); return 0; }