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2025-01-10 03:26:09 +00:00
module handy_http_transport.helpers;
import streams;
* Helper function to consume string content from an input stream until a
* certain target pattern of characters is encountered.
* Params:
* inputStream = The stream to read from.
* target = The target at which to stop reading.
* Returns: The string that was read, or a stream error.
Either!(string, "value", StreamError, "error") consumeUntil(S)(
S inputStream,
string target
) if (isByteInputStream!S) {
ubyte[1024] buffer;
size_t idx;
while (true) {
auto result = inputStream.readFromStream(buffer[idx .. idx + 1]);
if (result.hasError) return Either!(string, "value", StreamError, "error")(result.error);
if (result.count != 1) return Either!(string, "value", StreamError, "error")(
StreamError("Failed to read a single element", 1)
if (idx >= target.length && buffer[idx - target.length .. idx] == target) {
return Either!(string, "value", StreamError, "error")(
cast(string) buffer[0 .. idx - target.length].idup
if (idx >= buffer.length) {
return Either!(string, "value", StreamError, "error")(
StreamError("Couldn't find target \"" ~ target ~ "\" after reading 1024 bytes.", 1)
* Internal helper function to get the first index of a character in a string.
* Params:
* s = The string to look in.
* c = The character to look for.
* offset = An optional offset to look from.
* Returns: The index of the character, or -1.
ptrdiff_t indexOf(string s, char c, size_t offset = 0) {
for (size_t i = offset; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] == c) return i;
return -1;
* Internal helper function that returns the slice of a string excluding any
* preceding or trailing spaces.
* Params:
* s = The string to strip.
* Returns: The slice of the string that has been stripped.
string stripSpaces(string s) {
if (s.length == 0) return s;
ptrdiff_t startIdx = 0;
while (s[startIdx] == ' ' && startIdx < s.length) startIdx++;
s = s[startIdx .. $];
ptrdiff_t endIdx = s.length - 1;
while (s[endIdx] == ' ' && endIdx >= 0) endIdx--;
return s[0 .. endIdx + 1];
* Helper function to append an unsigned integer value to a char buffer. It is
* assumed that there's enough space to write the value.
* Params:
* value = The value to append.
* buffer = The buffer to append to.
* idx = A reference to a variable tracking the next writable index in the buffer.
void writeUIntToBuffer(uint value, char[] buffer, ref size_t idx) {
const size_t startIdx = idx;
while (true) {
ubyte remainder = value % 10;
value /= 10;
buffer[idx++] = cast(char) ('0' + remainder);
if (value == 0) break;
// Swap the characters to proper order.
for (size_t i = 0; i < (idx - startIdx) / 2; i++) {
size_t p1 = i + startIdx;
size_t p2 = idx - i - 1;
char tmp = buffer[p1];
buffer[p1] = buffer[p2];
buffer[p2] = tmp;