/** * Defines various address types for use with HTTP communication. */ module handy_http_primitives.address; /** * Represents a 4-byte IPv4 network address and the port number on this machine * that the connection was assigned to. */ struct IPv4InternetAddress { const ubyte[4] bytes; const ushort port; string toString() const { char[21] buffer; size_t idx; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { writeUIntToBuffer(bytes[i], buffer, idx); if (i < 3) buffer[idx++] = '.'; } buffer[idx++] = ':'; writeUIntToBuffer(port, buffer, idx); return buffer[0 .. idx].idup; } } /** * Represents a 16-byte IPv6 network address and the port number on this * machine that the connection was assigned to. */ struct IPv6InternetAddress { const ubyte[16] bytes; const ushort port; string toString() const { return "Not implemented!"; } } /** * Represents a unix socket address, which is just a path to a file at which * IO operations take place. */ struct UnixSocketAddress { const string path; string toString() const { return path; } } /// Defines the different possible address types, used by `ClientAddress`. enum ClientAddressType { IPv4, IPv6, UNIX } /** * A compound type representing the address of any entity sending an HTTP * request. Use `type` to determine which information is available. */ struct ClientAddress { const ClientAddressType type; const IPv4InternetAddress ipv4InternetAddress; const IPv6InternetAddress ipv6InternetAddress; const UnixSocketAddress unixSocketAddress; string toString() const { if (type == ClientAddressType.IPv4) { return ipv4InternetAddress.toString(); } else if (type == ClientAddressType.IPv6) { return ipv6InternetAddress.toString(); } else { return unixSocketAddress.toString(); } } static ClientAddress ofIPv4(IPv4InternetAddress addr) { return ClientAddress(ClientAddressType.IPv4, addr, IPv6InternetAddress.init, UnixSocketAddress.init); } static ClientAddress ofIPv6(IPv6InternetAddress addr) { return ClientAddress(ClientAddressType.IPv6, IPv4InternetAddress.init, addr, UnixSocketAddress.init); } static ClientAddress ofUnixSocket(UnixSocketAddress addr) { return ClientAddress(ClientAddressType.UNIX, IPv4InternetAddress.init, IPv6InternetAddress.init, addr); } } unittest { ClientAddress addr = ClientAddress.ofIPv4(IPv4InternetAddress([127, 0, 0, 1], 8000)); assert(addr.toString == ""); } /** * Helper function to append an unsigned integer value to a char buffer. It is * assumed that there's enough space to write value. * Params: * value = The value to append. * buffer = The buffer to append to. * idx = A reference to a variable tracking the next writable index in the buffer. */ private void writeUIntToBuffer(uint value, char[] buffer, ref size_t idx) { const size_t startIdx = idx; while (true) { ubyte remainder = value % 10; value /= 10; buffer[idx++] = cast(char) ('0' + remainder); if (value == 0) break; } // Swap the characters to proper order. for (size_t i = 0; i < (idx - startIdx) / 2; i++) { size_t p1 = i + startIdx; size_t p2 = idx - i - 1; char tmp = buffer[p1]; buffer[p1] = buffer[p2]; buffer[p2] = tmp; } }