module handy_http_primitives.request; import streams : InputStream; import std.traits : isSomeString, EnumMembers; import handy_http_primitives.multivalue_map; import handy_http_primitives.optional; /** * The HTTP request struct which represents the content of an HTTP request as * received by a server. */ struct ServerHttpRequest { /// The HTTP version of the request. const HttpVersion httpVersion = HttpVersion.V1_1; /// The remote address of the client that sent this request. const InternetAddress clientAddress; /// The HTTP verb used in the request. const string method = HttpMethod.GET; /// The URL that was requested. const string url = ""; /// A case-insensitive map of all request headers. const(CaseInsensitiveStringMultiValueMap) headers; /// A case-sensitive map of all URL query parameters. const(StringMultiValueMap) queryParams; /// The underlying stream used to read the body from the request. InputStream!ubyte inputStream; } /** * Enumeration of all possible HTTP request versions, as an unsigned byte for * efficient storage. */ public enum HttpVersion : ubyte { V1_1 = 1 << 1, V2 = 1 << 2, V3 = 1 << 3 } /** * Enumeration of all possible HTTP methods, excluding extensions like WebDAV. * * */ public enum HttpMethod : string { GET = "GET", HEAD = "HEAD", POST = "POST", PUT = "PUT", DELETE = "DELETE", CONNECT = "CONNECT", OPTIONS = "OPTIONS", TRACE = "TRACE", PATCH = "PATCH" } /** * Attempts to parse an HttpMethod from a string. * Params: * s = The string to parse. * Returns: An optional which may contain an HttpMethod, if one was parsed. */ Optional!HttpMethod parseHttpMethod(S)(S s) if (isSomeString!S) { import std.uni : toUpper; import std.string : strip; static foreach (m; EnumMembers!HttpMethod) { if (s == m) return Optional!HttpMethod.of(m); } const cleanStr = strip(toUpper(s)); static foreach (m; EnumMembers!HttpMethod) { if (cleanStr == m) return Optional!HttpMethod.of(m); } return Optional!HttpMethod.empty; } unittest { alias R = Optional!HttpMethod; assert(parseHttpMethod("GET") == R.of(HttpMethod.GET)); assert(parseHttpMethod("get") == R.of(HttpMethod.GET)); assert(parseHttpMethod(" geT ") == R.of(HttpMethod.GET)); assert(parseHttpMethod("PATCH") == R.of(HttpMethod.PATCH)); assert(parseHttpMethod(" not a method!") == R.empty); assert(parseHttpMethod("") == R.empty); } /// The data representing a remote IPv4 internet address, available as an int or bytes. union IPv4InternetAddress { const uint intValue; const ubyte[4] bytes; } /// The data representing a remote IPv6 internet address. struct IPv6InternetAddress { const ubyte[16] bytes; } /// A remote internet address, which is either IPv4 or IPv6. Check `isIPv6`. struct InternetAddress { /// True if this address is IPv6. False if this is an IPv4 address. const bool isIPv6; /// The port number assigned to the connecting client on this machine. const ushort port; union { IPv4InternetAddress ipv4Address; IPv6InternetAddress ipv6Address; } }